How do I transfer files with Fetch?

MacOS includes command line utilities for transferring files (sftp, scp, rsync). If you prefer a GUI, you may transfer files securely with the Fetch application. Fetch is available for free download from: ISC's Supported Products Page.

Two-Step Verification is required when using a PennKey password for SSH authentication on SEAS systems. See What is SSH? for more information.

How do I configure Fetch?

The instructions below are for setting up an SFTP connection to your SEAS home directory on ENIAC. If you are trying to transfer files to another server or machine, you'll need to subsitute the correct hostname and initial folder.

Once Fetch is installed on your computer, follow the instructions below:

Once connected, use the GET icon to download files to your local computer. Use the PUT icon to upload files from your local computer to the host.

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