Learn to Speak "Penngineering"

If someone tells you to take your DMD CPG to RAS for advising, you might think you are in a place where acronyms and abbreviations abound. And you might be right – Penn Engineering certainly has quite a few. Read on for helpful translations of the acronyms you are bound to see and hear.

Decoding Penn Engineering

Departments and Programs:

Centers + Institutes:

Resources, Offices and Groups:

Campus and Philadelphia Abbreviations:

Other Helpful Abbreviations

Quick Pronunciation Tips

  • When saying the names of the Levine and Towne Buildings, the “e” on the end doesn’t affect pronunciation.
    • Towne: pronounced “town,” as in your hometown.
    • Levine: pronounced “leVIN,” as in a vehicle’s VIN number.
Also in this section:

Contact Penn Engineering:

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything at all about your offer of admission, or about Penn Engineering’s academic programs, please contact:

Ms. Ellen Eckert
Director for Undergraduate Admissions and Advising
P: 215.898.4813
E: eckertel@seas.upenn.edu.