Determination of the Iron Content in Prune Juice

Class: BE210
Group: R3
Members: Grace Doe, Michael Giron, Michael Kulon, Julia Wisniewski
Date: May 7, 1999

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The iron content of SunSweet® prune juice was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy techniques.  The juice was digested with 12N HCl, and the direct measurements were corrected for matrix effects by method of additions.  The iron content was determined to be 6.0 ppm with a 0.84% 95% confidence interval.  This finding falls within the range published by SunSweet® manufacturers (7.5 ppm ? 20%).  Various concentrations of prune juice were used in the experimental procedure.  The detected amount of iron was not skewed by this method.  It was concluded that for the concentrations tested, the induced pH was sufficient to solvate the iron.  The kinetics of digestion was also investigated.  The detected amount of iron increased with digestion time, leveling off after a period of approximately 90 minutes.