Activation Energy For Aerobic Yeast Growth

Class: BE210
Group: W1
Members: FACILITATOR Ashwin Desikan, TIME & TASK KEEPER  Mina Wu, SCRIBE  Mina Wu, PRESENTER Elizabeth Bucholz
Date: 5/12/00
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The Activation Energy for yeast was determined to be 55.23 +/- 10.32 KJ/mole or 13.212 +/- 2.46 kcal/mole as compared to the Class’ Activation Energy of 33.95 +/- 15.8 KJ/mole or 8.12 +/- 3.78 kcal/mole. The precision of the experiment was 18.7%, and the accuracy could not be determined as literature values range from 10-20 kcal/mole (3).  The growth rate constants at various temperatures were determined for the yeast.  These values were then plotted against temperature on a semi-logarithmic graph, and the relationship was determined using linear regression model.   The results indicate a significantly lower precision value than the class data (18.7 % as compared to 46.5%) and also are consistent with the sources growth phase activation energy of normal cells, which falls within 10 to 20 kcal/mole. Acquiring a better spectrophotometer and growing multiple samples of yeast at constant temperatures would improve the precision and accuracy of the value for activation energy of yeast.