Parametric Polymorphism

CIS 194 Week 4 18 September 2014

While completing previous homework assignments, you probably spent a fair amount of time repeating yourself in certain parts of your code structure. For example, wordsFrom and wordsFittingTemplate in HW2 were awfully similar in structure. And the MaybeLogMessage and MaybeInt structures from HW3 are very similar. Can we abstract these patterns away and avoid this repetition in code? Sure we can!

Polymorphic data types

Let’s take a look at (almost) two of the data structures from HW3:

data LogMessage = LogMessage Int String
data MaybeLogMessage = ValidLM LogMessage
                     | InvalidLM
data MaybeInt = ValidInt Int
              | InvalidInt

Those last two data structures are awfully similar. They both represent the possibility of failure. That is, they both optionally hold some type a; first, a is instantiated to LogMessage, and then to Int. It turns out that we can write this more directly:

data Maybe a = Just a
             | Nothing

(This definition isn’t written using the > marks because it’s part of the Prelude.)

A Maybe a is, possibly, an a. (a is called a type variable – it’s a variable that stands in for a type.) So, instead of MaybeLogMessage, we could use Maybe LogMessage, and instead of MaybeInt, could use Maybe Int. Maybe is a type constructor or parameterized type. To become a proper, full-blooded type, we must supply Maybe with another type, like LogMessage or Int. When we do so, we simply replace all uses of a in Maybe’s definition with the type chosen as the parameter. Thus, the Just constructor of Maybe Int takes an Int parameter, and the Just constructor of Maybe LogMessage takes a LogMessage parameter.

Here is some sample code:

example_a :: Maybe Int -> Int
example_a (Just n) = n
example_a Nothing  = (-1)

example_b :: LogMessage -> Maybe String
example_b (LogMessage severity s) | severity >= 50 = Just s
example_b _                                        = Nothing

We’re quite used to thinking about substituting terms in for other terms (that’s what we use variables for!), and here we just apply this same principle to types.

Let’s look at another example:

data List t = Empty | Cons t (List t)

Given a type t, a (List t) consists of either the constructor Empty, or the constructor Cons along with a value of type t and another (List t). Here are some examples:

lst1 :: List Int
lst1 = Cons 3 (Cons 5 (Cons 2 Empty))

lst2 :: List Char
lst2 = Cons 'x' (Cons 'y' (Cons 'z' Empty))

lst3 :: List Bool
lst3 = Cons True (Cons False Empty)

This List type is exactly like the built-in list type, only without special syntax. In fact, when you say [Int] in a type, that really means [] Int – allowing you to put the brackets around the Int is just a nice syntactic sugar.

Polymorphic functions

It’s great that we can create polymorphic structures, but these become even more useful when we operate over them polymorphically. For example, let’s say we want retrive the first element of a list. But, we don’t know whether that list has any elements at all, and we need to be able to return something if we have an empty list. Our return type will thus be a Maybe. The type parameter should be left unspecified – that is, a:

safeHead :: List a -> Maybe a
safeHead Empty      = Nothing
safeHead (Cons x _) = Just x

Here, we have used a in a type signature in exactly the same way that we did when defining the List and Maybe types. It simply stands in for a type that will be specified later. To figure out what type should be used in place of a in a function, GHC performs type inference so you don’t have to worry about getting it right.

Parametric polymorphism

One important thing to note about polymorphic functions is that the caller gets to pick the types. When you write a polymorphic function, it must work for every possible input type. This – together with the fact that Haskell has no way to directly make make decisions based on what type something is – has some interesting implications.

For starters, the following is very bogus:

bogus :: Maybe a -> Bool
bogus (Just 'x') = True
bogus _          = False

It’s bogus because the definition of bogus assumes that the input is a Maybe Char. The function does not make sense for any value of the type variable a. On the other hand, the following is just fine:

isJust :: Maybe a -> Bool
isJust Nothing  = False
isJust (Just _) = True

The isJust function does not care what a is. It will always just make sense.

This “not caring” is what the “parametric” in parametric polymorphism means. All Haskell functions must be parametric in their type parameters; the functions must not care or make decisions based on the choices for these parameters. A function can’t do one thing when a is Int and a different thing when a is Bool. Haskell simply provides no facility for writing such an operation. This property of a langauge is called parametricity.

There are many deep and profound consequences of parametricity. One consequence is something called type erasure. Because a running Haskell program can never make decisions based on type information, all the type information can be dropped during compilation. Despite how important types are when writing Haskell code, they are completely irrelevant when running Haskell code. This property gives Haskell a huge speed boost when compared to other languages, such as Python, that need to keep types around at runtime. (Type erasure is not the only thing that makes Haskell faster, but Haskell is sometimes clocked at 20x faster than Python.)

Another consequence of parametricity is that it restricts what polymorphic functions you can write. Look at this type signature:

strange :: a -> b

The strange function takes a value of some type a and produces a value of another type b. But, crucially, it isn’t allowed to care what a and b are! Thus, there is no way to write strange!

strange = error "impossible!"

(The function error, defined in the Prelude, aborts your program with a message.)

What about

limited :: a -> a

That function must produce an a when given an a. There is only one a it can produce – the one it got! Thus, there is only one possible definition for limited:

limited x = x

In general, given the type of a function, it is possible to figure out various properties of the function just by thinking about parametricity. The function must have some way of producing the output type… but where could values of that type come from? By answering this question, you can learn a lot about a function.

Total and partial functions

Consider this polymorphic type:

[a] -> a

What functions could have such a type? The type says that given a list of things of type a, the function must produce some value of type a. For example, the Prelude function head has this type.

…But what happens if head is given an empty list as input? Let’s look at the source code for head

It crashes! There’s nothing else it possibly could do, since it must work for all types. There’s no way to make up an element of an arbitrary type out of thin air.

head is what is known as a partial function: there are certain inputs for which head will crash. Functions which have certain inputs that will make them recurse infinitely are also called partial. Functions which are well-defined on all possible inputs are known as total functions.

It is good Haskell practice to avoid partial functions as much as possible. Actually, avoiding partial functions is good practice in any programming language—but in most of them it’s ridiculously annoying. Haskell tends to make it quite easy and sensible.

head is a mistake! It should not be in the Prelude. Other partial Prelude functions you should almost never use include tail, init, last, and (!!). From this point on, using one of these functions on a homework assignment will lose style points!

What to do instead?

Replacing partial functions

Often partial functions like head, tail, and so on can be replaced by pattern-matching. Consider the following two definitions:

doStuff1 :: [Int] -> Int
doStuff1 []  = 0
doStuff1 [_] = 0
doStuff1 xs  = head xs + (head (tail xs)) 
doStuff2 :: [Int] -> Int
doStuff2 []        = 0
doStuff2 [_]       = 0
doStuff2 (x1:x2:_) = x1 + x2

These functions compute exactly the same result, and they are both total. But only the second one is obviously total, and it is much easier to read anyway.

Writing partial functions

What if you find yourself writing a partial functions? There are two approaches to take. The first is to change the output type of the function to indicate the possible failure. Recall the definition of Maybe:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Now, suppose we were writing head. We could rewrite it safely like safeHead, above. Indeed, there is exactly such a function defined in the safe package.

Why is this a good idea?

  1. safeHead will never crash.
  2. The type of safeHead makes it obvious that it may fail for some inputs.
  3. The type system ensures that users of safeHead must appropriately check the return value of safeHead to see whether they got a value or Nothing.

OK, but what if we know that we will only use head in situations where we are guaranteed to have a non-empty list? In such a situation, it is really annoying to get back a Maybe a, since we have to expend effort dealing with a case which we “know” cannot actually happen.

The answer is that if some condition is really guaranteed, then the types ought to reflect the guarantee! Then the compiler can enforce your guarantees for you. For example:

data NonEmptyList a = NEL a [a]

nelToList :: NonEmptyList a -> [a]
nelToList (NEL x xs) = x:xs

listToNel :: [a] -> Maybe (NonEmptyList a)
listToNel []     = Nothing
listToNel (x:xs) = Just $ NEL x xs

headNEL :: NonEmptyList a -> a
headNEL (NEL a _) = a

tailNEL :: NonEmptyList a -> [a]
tailNEL (NEL _ as) = as

You might think doing such things is only for chumps who are not coding super-geniuses like you. Of course, you would never make a mistake like passing an empty list to a function which expects only non-empty ones. Right? Well, there’s definitely a chump involved, but it’s not who you think.

Of course, some properties are more complex and are harder to encode in types. For example, it might be a critical property in your application that two lists are permutations of one another. What’s amazing is that Haskell’s type system is strong enough to encode such properties. Doing so is not for the faint of heart, and is beyond the scope of this course, but it’s tantalizing to know that such constructions are possible. If you want to learn more about this, come to Richard’s office hours, and he’ll be happy to tell you all about so-called dependent types, which can, in general, enforce arbitrary properties in types.

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