Library Atoms

Require Import OrderedType.
Require Import OrderedTypeEx.
Require Import Arith.

Require Import AuxLib.
Require Export ExtFset.
Require Import ExtFsetImpl.


A : AtomT is a record containing the fundamental properties of atoms in a nominal setting.
Record AtomT : Type := mkAtom {
  atom : Set;
  asetR : ExtFset atom;
  aset := extFset asetR;
  atom_eqdec : forall (a b : atom), {a = b} + {a <> b};
  atom_infinite : forall (S : aset), { a : atom | ~ In a S }

Hint Resolve atom_eqdec : nominal.

Declare atom as a coercion. For example, if we have tmvar : AtomT, then we can say a b : tmvar instead of a b : atom tmvar.
Coercion atom : AtomT >-> Sortclass.

Infrastructure for reasoning about atoms

This tactic splits the proof into the cases where a = b and a <> b. Then it eliminates situations where one of these statements contradicts other information in the environment using the congruence tactic. In the case of a = b, we rewrite instances of a in the goal to b.

The first argument to atom_eqdec is inferable since the types of a and b must already be in the context.

Section AtomComparisons.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variables a b : atom A.
   Variable X : Set.
   Variables x1 x2 : X.

   Ltac compare_atoms H a b :=
    case (atom_eqdec _ a b); intro H; congruence.

  Lemma atom_eqdec_eq :
    a = b -> (if atom_eqdec A a b then x1 else x2) = x1.

  Lemma atom_eqdec_neq :
    a <> b -> (if atom_eqdec A a b then x1 else x2) = x2.

  Lemma atom_eqdec_contract :
    x1 = x2 -> (if atom_eqdec A a b then x1 else x2) = x1.

End AtomComparisons.

Hint Immediate atom_eqdec_eq atom_eqdec_neq atom_eqdec_contract : nominal.
Hint Rewrite atom_eqdec_eq using congruence : nominal.
Hint Rewrite atom_eqdec_neq using congruence : nominal.
Hint Rewrite atom_eqdec_contract using congruence : nominal.

atom_eqdec_simpl performs all reductions of conditionals on atom equality (in the goal or context) for which the relationship of the atoms is inferrable from the context using the congruence tactic.
Ltac atom_eqdec_simpl :=
  repeat (
    match goal with
    | |- context [if atom_eqdec _ ?a ?b then _ else _] =>
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_eq _ a b);
          [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_neq _ a b);
          [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_contract _ a b);
          [idtac | solve [congruence]])
    | H : context [if atom_eqdec _ ?a ?b then _ else _] |- _ =>
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_eq _ a b) in H;
          [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_neq _ a b) in H;
          [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_contract _ a b) in H;
          [idtac | solve [congruence]])

atom_eqdec_case H a b is guaranteed to reduce all subexpressions of the form if atom_eqdec A a b then _ else _, splitting the goal into two cases whenever the equality of a and b cannot be determined from the context using the congruence tactic. If the goal is split, the name H will be used for the new assumption about the relationship between a and b.
Ltac atom_eqdec_case H a b :=
  match goal with
  | |- context [if atom_eqdec _ a b then _ else _] =>
      repeat (
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_eq _ a b);
        [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_neq _ a b);
        [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
        (rewrite (@atom_eqdec_contract _ a b);
        [idtac | solve [congruence]])
      try match goal with
      | |- context [if atom_eqdec _ a b then _ else _] =>
          case (atom_eqdec _ a b); intro H

Definition and properties of swapping

Section AtomSwapping.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variables a b c : atom A.

  Definition swapa (s : atom A * atom A) (c : atom A) :=
    let (a, b) := s in
    if atom_eqdec _ a c then b
    else if atom_eqdec _ b c then a
    else c.

  Lemma swapa_left :
    swapa (a, b) a = b.

  Lemma swapa_left' :
    a = c -> swapa (a, b) c = b.

  Lemma swapa_right :
    swapa (a, b) b = a.

  Lemma swapa_right' :
    b = c -> swapa (a, b) c = a.

  Lemma swapa_neither :
    a <> c -> b <> c -> swapa (a, b) c = c.

End AtomSwapping.

Implicit Arguments swapa_left [A].
Implicit Arguments swapa_left' [A].
Implicit Arguments swapa_right [A].
Implicit Arguments swapa_right' [A].
Implicit Arguments swapa_neither [A].

Hint Rewrite swapa_left : nominal.
Hint Rewrite swapa_left' using congruence : nominal.
Hint Rewrite swapa_right : nominal.
Hint Rewrite swapa_right' using congruence : nominal.
Hint Rewrite swapa_neither using congruence : nominal.

swapa_simpl_once and swapa_simpl_hyp are just auxilary tactics.
Ltac swapa_simpl_once a b c :=
  (rewrite (@swapa_left' _ a b c);
    [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
  (rewrite (@swapa_right' _ a b c);
    [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
  (rewrite (@swapa_neither _ a b c);
    [idtac | solve [congruence] | solve [congruence]]).

Ltac swapa_simpl_hyp H a b c :=
  (rewrite (@swapa_left' _ a b c) in H;
    [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
  (rewrite (@swapa_right' _ a b c) in H;
    [idtac | solve [congruence]]) ||
  (rewrite (@swapa_neither _ a b c) in H;
    [idtac | solve [congruence] | solve [congruence]]).

swapa_simpl performs all reductions of atom swaps (in the goal or assumptions) for which the result is inferrable from the context using the congruence tactic.
Ltac swapa_simpl :=
  repeat (
    match goal with
    | |- context [swapa _ (?a, ?b) ?c] =>
        swapa_simpl_once a b c
    | H : context [swapa _ (?a, ?b) ?c] |- _ =>
        swapa_simpl_hyp H a b c

swapa_case H1 H2 a b c will reduce all expressions of the form swapa _ (a, b) c in the goal to either a, b, or c, splitting the goal as necessary, when the relationships between a and c and between b and c cannot be inferred from the context. H1 will be used as the name for a newly introduced assumption about the relationship between a and c, and respectively H2 for b and c. Also, any additional reductions of atom swaps that are inferrable from the context will be performed.
Ltac swapa_case H1 H2 a b c :=
  try match goal with
  | |- context [swapa _ (a, b) c] =>
      case (atom_eqdec _ a c); intro H1; try congruence;
      try match goal with
      | |- context [swapa _ (a, b) c] =>
          case (atom_eqdec _ b c); intro H2; try congruence;

Section BasicAtomSwappingProperties.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variables s : A * A.
   Variables a b c d e: A.

  Lemma swapa_same :
    swapa A (a, a) b = b.

  Lemma swapa_invol :
    swapa A s (swapa A s c) = c.

  Lemma swapa_distrib :
    swapa A s (swapa A (c, d) e) =
    swapa A (swapa A s c, swapa A s d) (swapa A s e).

End BasicAtomSwappingProperties.

Implicit Arguments swapa_same [A].
Implicit Arguments swapa_invol [A].
Implicit Arguments swapa_distrib [A].

Hint Resolve swapa_same swapa_invol swapa_distrib : nominal.
Hint Rewrite swapa_same swapa_invol : nominal.

Section MoreAtomSwappingProperties.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variables s : A * A.
   Variables x y z : A.

  Lemma swapa_injective : swapa A s x = swapa A s y -> x = y.

  Lemma swapa_switch : swapa A (x, y) z = swapa A (y, x) z.

End MoreAtomSwappingProperties.

Hint Immediate swapa_injective : nominal.

Implementing atoms

Keep opaque our means for constructing AtomT records. The opaque nature of atoms is for convinience; since we don't declare any axioms based on this fact, our development doesn't become unsound if we make them transparent.
Module Type AtomImplementationSig.
Parameter mkAtomRec : nat -> AtomT.
End AtomImplementationSig.

Module AtomImplementation : AtomImplementationSig.

We hide the implementation for documentation purposes. Indirectly, we require proof irrelevance here.

End AtomImplementation.
Export AtomImplementation.

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