
Consel T 7/19, 1200


Charles Consel
LITP-University of Paris 6/8

Tues, Jul 19, 1200 noon
107 Cullinane

New Insights into Partial Evaluation:  the SCHISM Experiment

This paper describes SCHISM: a self-applicable partial evaluator for a
first-order subset of Scheme.  SCHISM takes place in the framework of mixed
computation, and is situated along the line of the MIX project at the
University of Copenhagen.  The goal is automatically to generate compilers
>from interpreters by self-application and we have done this with an
extensible and directly executable first order subset of Scheme.

We use annotation for driving SCHISM to eliminate a call (unfold it) or to
keep it residual (specialize it).  These annotations are local to each
function rather than to each function call.  The usual pitfalls of such an
approach are avoided by associating a filter expression with each function.

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