
Krivine's Machine with Control from a Continuation Semantics

Does anybody know whether the following derivation of Krivine's  
Machine with Control from a Continuation Semantics is known to the  

The new(?) continuation semantics given subsequently arises from
Girard's improved translation of classical logic to intuitionistic
logic when one restricts one's attention to the implicative fragment
and to formulae of negative polarity. It essentially uses the

  ~ A -> ~ B  =  ~ ( ~ A /\ B)

In a syntactic guise these ideas have originally been introduced by  
Y. Lafont.

Krivine's Machine with Control

The components of Krivine's machine are given by the following  
inductive definition

	t : Terms := x | lambda x. t | t t | C t
	e : Environments ::= Variables --> Closures  
                              (finite functions)
	c : Closures : = < t , e > | ret(k)
	k : Continuations ::= stop | < c, k >

Transition Rules

	< <x, e >, k >  -->  < e(c), k >    if  x  is in  dom(e)
	< < lambda x. t, e >, < c, k > >  -->  < < t, e[x:=c]>,  k >
	< < t s, e >, k >  -->  < < t, e >, < < s, e >, k > > 
	< < C t, e >, k >  -->  < < t, e >, < ret(k), stop > > 
	< ret(k), < c, k' > >  -->  < c, k >

These transition rules derive immediately from the following
Continuation Semantics for the Call-by-Name Lambda-Calculus with  

	C = ( C -> R ) -> C     D = C -> R   Env = Var -> D

        [|.|] : Term -> Env -> D

   	[|x|] e   =  e(x)
	[| lambda x. t |] e <d,k>  =  [| t |] e[d/x] k
	[| t s |] e k  =  [|t|] e < [|t|] e, k >
	[| C t |] e k  =  [|t|] e < ret(k), stop >

where  stop  is a distinguished continuation and

	ret(k) <d,k'>  =  d(k).

Thomas Streicher