
Emacs support for "typesetting" inference rules

Dear Types readers,

Many of us use the Emacs editor for hacking around with quick notes on
type systems we are thinking about.  To help with formatting such
notes, I put together the following helper function, which I've been
using happily for some time now.  I offer it here -- verbatim, since
it's short -- for your amusement.

        Benjamin Pierce

;; rules.el -- a simple tool for typesetting inference rules in text buffers
;; Benjamin C. Pierce, 1995-1997
;; (Thanks to Martin Hofmann for help in eliminating a few last bugs...
;;  BCP, March 1997)
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; USAGE: 
;; First, add the following (or something similar) to your .emacs file:
;; (add-hook 'text-mode-hook '(lambda ()
;;   (require 'rules)
;;   (local-set-key "\C-c\C-r" 'rules-center-this-infrule)
;; (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.txt$" . text-mode) auto-mode-alist))
;; Create a file rules.el containing this elisp code, somewhere in your
;; elisp search path.
;; Now, in any text buffer, write a sloppy inference rule of the form:
;;    premise     premise
;;   ------ (name)
;;    conclusion
;; Press C-c C-r and it turns into this:
;;                         premise     premise
;;                         -------------------                           (name)
;;                              conclusion
;; The format of inference rules is:
;;    [one-line form (axiom)]: 
;;                <any text>  <name>
;;    [long form (rule)]: 
;;                 sequence of lines containing one line of the form
;;                 ------- <name>  
;;                 (i.e. any number of dashes followed by a name).
;; <name> is either "(any text)" -- including the parens -- or else blank.
;; Rules are separated from their surroundings by blank lines.
;; Typing C-c C-r in a region that does not have one of the above forms
;; will produce a result that may or may not be what you wanted.

(defvar rules-name-column 79)
(defvar rules-max-column 79)

(setq rules-blankline-patt "^[ \C-i\C-l]*$")
(setq rules-oneline-rule-patt "^[ \C-i]*.+[ \C-i]*\\((.*)\\|\\)$")
(setq rules-line-patt "^[ \C-i]*-+[ \C-i]*\\((.*)\\|\\)$")
(setq rules-dashes 
      (concat "---------------------------------------------------------" 

(defun rules-center-this-infrule ()
  (let (rulestart ruleend linestart lineend)
    (if (re-search-backward rules-blankline-patt (point-min) 'nofail)
	(progn (end-of-line) (forward-char 1)))
    (setq rulestart (point-marker))
    (re-search-forward rules-blankline-patt (point-max) 'nofail)
    (setq ruleend (point-marker))
    (goto-char rulestart)
    (if (re-search-forward rules-line-patt ruleend t)
	;; inference rule
	(let ((rule-name (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
	      (linepos (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (point-marker)))
	      (maxwidth 0))
	  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (+ (match-end 0) 1))
	  (goto-char rulestart)
	  (while (and (< (point) (point-max)) (<= (point) ruleend))
	    (re-search-forward "[ \C-i]*") 	   
	    (let ((here (point)))
	      (re-search-backward "[^ \C-i]")
	      (forward-char 1)
	      (setq maxwidth (max maxwidth (- (point) here) 2))
              (if (< (point) (point-max))
                  (forward-char 1))))
	  (goto-char linepos)
	  (insert (substring rules-dashes 0 maxwidth) "\n")
	  (backward-char 1)
	  (center-region rulestart ruleend)
	  (insert " ")
	  (if (not (string= rule-name ""))
	      (let ((goal-column 
		     (min (- rules-name-column 1)
			  (- rules-max-column (+ (length rule-name) 1)))))
		(if (< (current-column) goal-column)
		    (indent-to-column goal-column))
		(insert " ")
		(insert rule-name))))
      ;; short rule
      (if (looking-at rules-oneline-rule-patt)
	  ;; short rule with name
	    (let ((rule-name 
		   (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
	      (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
              (if (not (string= rule-name ""))
                    (insert " ")
                    (let ((goal-column 
                           (min (- rules-name-column 1)
                                (- rules-max-column 
                                   (+ (length rule-name) 1)))))
                      (if (< (current-column) goal-column)
                          (indent-to-column goal-column))
                      (insert " ")
                      (insert rule-name))))))
	;; rule with no name or center divider
	(center-region rulestart ruleend))))))

(provide 'rules)