
CADE-15: Call for Attendance

[CADE covers deductive aspects of many logics and formalism including of
course those with an emphasis on types. For instance there are theorem
provers for type theory (such as Andrews'), ones with a particular emphasis
on sorts and types (eg Weidenbach's SPASS) and so forth. I am therefore
convinced that the TYPES community should have an interest to the work of
the CADE community and vice versa.  -- W. Bibel]


      The  15th  International  Conference  on  Automated  Deduction

                      July 5-10, 1998, Lindau, Germany

                            CALL FOR ATTENDANCE

    CADE-15 will be held from 5th to 10th July 1998 in the Inselhalle,
in Lindau, Germany, a well-equipped conference center on the Lindau
island in the Bodensee (or Lake Constance), one of the most beautiful
areas in Western Europe at the crossroads of Austria, Germany and
Switzerland. CADE-15 features:

    Six invited lectures (6th-10th July)
    A banquet speech by Dana Scott (8th July)
    Twenty four research papers (6th-9th July)
    Ten system descriptions (6th-9th July)
    A one day special symposium (10th July)
    Six full day workshops (5th/6th July)
    One half day workshop (6th July)
    Three half day tutorials (6th July)
    An ATP system competition (7th July)
    A reception in the ancient city hall (6th July)
    A piano concert/cabaret by piano virtuoso A.Fischer (7th July)
    A boat excursion on the Hohentwiel (8th July)
    A banquet at the Hotel Bad Schachen (8th July)

    You are invited to attend CADE-15, to participate in the high
quality technical program, to meet and talk to the ``who's who'' in AD
and to enjoy some great social events.

Information and Registration

Full details about CADE-15, and an electronic registration form, are
available on the WWW:


Alternatively, send us email (cade-15@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de) or a
FAX (+49 6151 165326), and all the information will be sent to you. 
Note: No hardcopy information or registration forms will be distributed 
unless explicitly requested.

Conference Chair:

Wolfgang Bibel
Darmstadt University of Technology
Alexanderstr. 10      
D-64283 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 162100
FAX: +49 6151 165326
CADE-15 Web Site: http://www.tu-darmstadt.de/cade-15