
symposium announcement

Preliminary Announcement ISDT'03

The 3rd International Symposium on Domain Theory

September 19-23, 2003, Xi'an, China

The International symposium on Domain Theory 2003 will take place on 
the campus of
Shaanxi Normal University in Xi'an, China, from September 19 to 
September 23, 2003
(the first ISDT was held in Shanghai, October 17-24, 1999, and the 
second ISDT was held
in  Chengdu, China, October 22-26, 2001). This conference is intended 
to be a forum for
researchers in domain theory and its applications. The conference 
series also aims
to broaden its scope of applications in computer science and 


          Samson Abramsky, Oxford University, England
          Jimmie Lawson, Louisiana State University, USA
          Prakash Panangaden, McGill University, Canada
          Gordon Plotkin, University of Edinburgh, UK
          Vaughan Pratt, Stanford University, USA
          Glynn Winskel, University of Cambridge, England
          Guo-Qiang Zhang, Case Western Reserve University, USA


         * Topological and logical aspects of domains
         * Categories of domains and powerdomains
         * Partial orders and metric spaces
         * Types, process algebra and concurrency
         * Non-classical and partial logics
         * Programming language semantics
         * Applications in computer science and mathematics


Slots for contributed talks will be given on a first come,
first served basis. A one page abstract including title,
address, and e-mail address should be sent to
Prof. Guo-Qiang Zhang at gqz@eecs.cwru.edu
before April 30, 2003. Please e-mail in plain text
with header ISDT03. A collection of abstracts will be
distributed at the conference. Authors can submit,
after the conference, a full paper for the conference proceedings
expected to appear in Kluwer's book-series Semantic Structures
in Computation.


          Ying-Ming Liu (chair), China
          Pierre-Louis Curien (co-chair), France
          Guo-jun Wang (co-chair), China
          Guo-Qiang Zhang (co-chair), USA

Organizing Committee:

       Chairman:    Shi-chao Zhao (Shaanxi Normal University, President)
       Co-chairman: Mao-kang Luo (Sichuan University, Associate Dean, 
Institute of Mathematics)
       Co-chairman: Bin Zhao (Shaanxi Normal University, Dean, College 
of Mathematics
                                                 and Information Science)


          Abstract:      April 30, 2003
          Registration:  June 15, 2003
          Full paper:    Nov. 1, 2003


Xi'an is one of the ancient capital sites of China, southwest of 
The archeological discovery of the TERRA-COTTA WARRIORS in the
Spring of 1974 stunned the world. Since then, Xi'an has become a
major tourist destination in China. There are frequent
direct flights connecting Xi'an with major gateway cities such as
Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. For more information about Xi'an, see

The registration fee will be US$260 per participant and US$180 for
spouse, covering all meals and tours arranged by the organizers.
The conference accommodation will be arranged in the university's
new guesthouse, completed in the spring of 2002. The cost for a
single room is expected to be no more than US$20 per night.

Registration form, travel and detailed local information, etc.,
will be posted at http://newton.cwru.edu/~gqz/ISDT03.html
when they become available.

For further information please contact

              Dr. Guo-Qiang Zhang
              Email: gqz@eecs.cwru.edu
              Phone: 216-368-0382
              Fax:   216-368-2801
              Dr. Bin Zhao
              Email: zhaobin@mail.snnu.edu.cn
              Phone: +86-29-5307761
              Fax:   +86-29-5300893