Cornell Theory Center

Lab Exercise
Parallel Operating Environment (POE)

Runs on: SP interactive nodes



This lab follows the talk IBM SP Parallel Environment (PE).


This exercise asks you to run a program under POE several times, modifying the setting of one POE environment variable for each run. The sample program provided is a very simple "hello, world" program. POE can run multiple instances of this serial program in parallel on several nodes.

If you get stuck, click on the "Solution" button at the end of each question.

This exercise will probably take no more than 30 minutes to complete.

Before You Begin

Exercise: Compile and run a program under POE

  1. First, look at either hello.c or hello.f and compile it. Although the sample program does not contain any message passing calls, it won't hurt to use one of POE's compiler scripts for practice. [ Solution ]

  2. Try to run the sample program without setting any environment variables. What error message do you see? [ Solution ]

  3. Correct the error reported in the previous step, and try running again. Hint: If you want more than one node, you will need to set more than one environment variable. [ Solution ]

  4. Explicitly choose the Internet Protocol (ip) communications subsystem library and the high-performance switch (css0) adapter. [ Solution ]

  5. To see which node sent which message, set the environment variable MP_LABELIO and run again. Notice that the messages may appear in any order; task 0 is not necessarily first. [ Solution ]

  6. Ask for a list of nodes on which your program is running. [ Solution ]

  7. Get lots of information about exactly what POE is doing by setting the environment variable MP_INFOLEVEL to 2. [ Solution ]


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