// This sample run uses the provided SpellCheckerRunner class and
// uses a FileCorrector to suggest corrections:
$ java SpellCheckerRunner Gettysburg.txt Gettysburg-out.txt dictionary.txt misspellings.txt

The word: "Fuor" is not in the dictionary. Please enter the 
number corresponding with the appropriate action:
0: Ignore and continue
1: Replace with another word
2: Replace with "Four"
3: Replace with "Furor"
// Entered 2

The word: "thsi" is not in the dictionary. Please enter the 
number corresponding with the appropriate action:
0: Ignore and continue
1: Replace with another word
2: Replace with "this"
// Entered 2

The word: "Libert" is not in the dictionary. Please enter the 
number corresponding with the appropriate action:
0: Ignore and continue
1: Replace with another word
// Entered 1
// Entered Liberty

The word: "civl" is not in the dictionary. Please enter the 
number corresponding with the appropriate action:
0: Ignore and continue
1: Replace with another word
// Entered 1
// Entered civil

The word: "thta" is not in the dictionary. Please enter the 
number corresponding with the appropriate action:
0: Ignore and continue
1: Replace with another word
2: Replace with "that"
// Entered that
Invalid input. Please try again!
// Entered 2

The word: "honored" is not in the dictionary. Please enter the 
number corresponding with the appropriate action:
0: Ignore and continue
1: Replace with another word
// Entered 0

The word: "higly" is not in the dictionary. Please enter the 
number corresponding with the appropriate action:
0: Ignore and continue
1: Replace with another word
// Entered 1
// Entered highly

Document completed