CIS 2400 (Fall 2022) HW 04: LC4 Programming

This assignment gives students practice writing assembly programs and interacting with lowl-level representations of strings and arrays.


For assignments in CS 2400, you will complete each of them on your own or solo. However, you may discuss high-level ideas with other students, but any viewing, sharing, copying, or dictating of code is forbidden. If you are worried about whether something violates academic integrity, please post on Ed or contact the instructor.


If you haven’t already, you should follow the VMWare setup.

If you can’t get the VM setup or don’t want to use it for this assignment, you will need to have a version of Java Runtime Environment(JRE) installed (the VM uses open JDK/JRE 11) and download the PennSim file here: PennSim.jar. To run PennSim.jar:


In this assignment you will write a number of short LC4 assembly programs and test them in PennSim. In order to do this assignment, you will need to have installed the virtual machine that we have distributed along with the relevant tools like text editors and PennSim. Alternatively, one could do this outside of the Virtual Machine, but limited support can be provided outside of the instructions mentioned in the setup section above. We will have demos of PennSimm in Lecture and Recitation and a section below that gives some instrucitons on using PennSim. As always course staff are available to help answer your questions.

When writing a program in assembly you will find it helpful to work your algorithm out on paper perhaps with the aid of a flow chart before you start writing the code. You should also write down what variables you need to maintain in your program and which registers will store those values; this is known as a register allocation.

For each of the programs you are required to submit a script file similar to multiply_script.txt which can be used to assemble, load and configure your program. Your asm file should have a label called END to mark the end of the program. The script file for each program should also set a break point called END at the end of the program so that we can easily run and test your program.

Remember again that your assembly and script programs must be saved as text files. You can create and edit text files with an editor like vim, emacs, nano, Sublime, and many others.

Problem 1: sqrt

For this problem you can assume that R0 is set to a 2C value greater than or equal to 0. Your job is to determine the integer sqaure root of R0 and report the answer in R1. The integer square root of a non-negative integer n is the smallest integer greater than or equal to the square root of n. For example, the integer square root of 25 is 5, while the integer square root of 26 is 6. At the end of your program R1 should contain the intger square root of R0. Your asm file should be entitled sqrt.asm and the corresponding script should be titled sqrt_script.txt.

Problem 2: parity

For this problem your job is to write a program that considers a 16 bit field initially stored in R0. Your program should determine the number of 1 bits in this 16 bit field. Specifically after your program has run R1 should contain the number of 1 bits in R0. Egs if the 16 bit field contains 6 1 bits R1 should be set to 6. Your ASM file should titled parity.asm and the corresponding script should be titled parity_script.txt.

Problem 3: strcopy

Your job is to write a program that takes a string and creates a copy at the specified address. At the beginning of your program, R0 should contain the address of the start of the string to be copied and R1 should contain the address of the start of the memory location where the copy should be stored. You can assume that R0 is a properly formatted string that has its end marked by the null-terminator character (which is equal to 0) and that the memory location specified by R1 can safely store a copy of the string specified by R0. After your program has run, the string that R0 initially points to should be unchanged and a copy of the string should be stored starting at the address initially stored in R1. Note that you are allowed to modify the address stored in R0 and R1 over the duration of your program. While you are developing your code, you may find it useful to refer to the strlen.asm example discussed in lecture. Your asm file should be entitled strcopy.asm and the corresponding script should be titled strcopy_script.txt. Please note that your final solution should not contain this test code that fills data memory or sets the R0 and R1 registers since it will interfere with our autograder.

Problem 4: reverse_array

Your job is to write a program that takes in an array of 2C numbers stored in memory and reverses that array. At the beginning of your program, R0 should contain the address of the start of the array to be reversed and R1 should contain the length of the array. You can assume that the length of the string (R1) will be non-negative. After your program has run, the elements in the array should be flipped so that the array is now in th reverse order as it started. For example, if an array of [0, 2, -7, 5] is provided, the array should look like [5, -7, 2, 0] after the function has ended. While you are developing your code, you may find it useful to refer to the sum_numbers.asm example discussed in lecture. Your asm file should be entitled reverse_array.asm and the corresponding script should be titled reverse_array_script.txt. Please note that your final solution should not contain this test code that fills data memory or sets the R0 and R1 registers since it will interfere with our autograder.


This section details how to use PennSim, a Java application for assembling, running and testing LC4 assembly programs. All of the details here are covered within the demonstrations in lecture and in recitations, we recommend watching the lecture recording if you are having any issues, but feel free to ask on Ed or in office hours. (The demonstration is in the beginning of Lecture 09 from October 5th.)

Starting PennSim

PennSim is provided with the course virtual machine, though instructions to get it are also in the #setup of this specification. To start PennSim in the course VM, you should be able to double click on the PennSim.jar icon on the desktop. If that doesn’t work, open the terminal and try running:

~$ cd Desktop
~/Dektop/$  java -jar PennSim.jar

With PennSim open, you should be able to see something similar to lecture, where the state of registers and memory are visible, and there is a command line to enter commands towards the top.

Compiling and Testing

Once PennSim is open, you can start assembling our LC4 programs into something runnable. If we wanted to do this for the sample program multiply.asm, we should make sure that multiply.asm is in the same folder as our PennSim.jar (which is the desktop on the VM) and type in the command line at the top of PennSim: as multiply multiply. There should now be a file called multiply.obj in the same directory. After assemling a .obj file, we can load it in to PennSim by running ld multiply. We can then set any registers to their initial values using set \<REGISTER\> \<VALUE\>, so if I wanted to set R5 to 12, we could run set R5 12. We need to make sure we set the Program Counter (PC) to the start of our code, and set a breakpoint at the end of our program. We can now hit the “continue” button in PennSim to run our program.


Instead of typing in the commands mentioned above everytime you want to test your program, we suggest writing a script file. A script file for PennSim is a text file that contains a list of PennSim commands. These commands are then executed in order. An example script is multiply_script.txt. You will need to create a script for each of your LC4 programs and we highly suggest you base them off of our provided examples.


Below is a list of the example programs and scripts used in lecture:


Please submit all of your asm files and their corresponding script files to Gradescope This should include:

Make sure that the files you submit follow the instructions laid out above. Most notably: