Run FluoroSNNAP_installation to download (free) MATLAB run-time engine and to install FluoroSNNAP as a stand-alone application. MATLAB run-time engine is rather large (~600MB). By default, FluroSNNAP will be installed as an app, under University_of_Pennsylvania folder. ** Do NOT try to run FluoroSNNAP through your LaunchPad **. You have to start the application from command line using admin privileges. To do so, open a terminal and navigate to the FluoroSNNAP app directory by entering the following command in the terminal: >> cd /Applications/University_of_Pennsylvania/FluoroSNNAP/application/ Run FluoroSNNAP by entering the following command in the terminal >> sudo ./applauncher FluoroSNNAP should now launch. You can look at the terminal for progress messages. It may take a few minutes for the program to start for the first time. Subsequent launches should be faster.