CEE 200X Standard Operating Procedure

Updated on 10/13/2014

1. Turn on the power

1. When the power is turned on, the program is automatically started, and the following screen is shown.

2. Load Sample

1. Open the lid of the spinner.

2. Choose and set up the appropriate chuck for CEE spinner (there should be three chuck sizes for the spin coater).

3. Place the sample in the middle of the chuck.

3. Edit Process

1. If you run an existing recipe without making any changes, then touch "Run" on the starting screen, and go to 4. Run the process.

2. If you edit or create a recipe, then touch "Edit" on the starting screen.

3. The following Recipe Manager screen shows up.

4. Touch each box of velocity (rpm), Ramp (rpm/sec), and time (sec). The numerical input window pops up. Type velocity (rpm), Ramp (rpm/sec), and time (sec). Then, touch "save" with your named recipe.

5. To load an existing recipe, touch "Load". The following screen shows up. Choose the recipe you use, and touch "ENTER".

6. You can change the parameters on the Recipe Manager screen, and save the recipe, as shown above.

4. Run the process

1. If you touch "Run" on the starting screen or the Recipe Manager screen, the following Spin Process screen shows up. Make sure that Recipe Name shows your recipe. If not, then load your recipe, as shown above.

2. Touch "Hold" under Vacuum to hold the sample on the chuck, so that it changes to "Release".

3. Touch "Start Centering" to start a low speed spinning of the chuck, so that you can check the sample position on the chuck. The screen is also changed to the following.

4. If the sample is not centered, then touch "release" under Vacuum, and adjust the position.

5. Touch "Hold" under vacuum, and touch "Center" to check the centering again.

6. If OK, then apply the coating solution onto the sample.

7. Close the lid of the spinner.

8. Touch "Start Process" to spin-coat the coating solution on the sample.

5. Take out the sample and clean the spinner

1. Open the lid, and take out the sample.

2. Clean the spinner. Use acetone, then IPA with clean room wipes to remove all traces of coating material from the chuck(s), bowl, and lid. Do not spray directly onto the sample chuck or shaft.

6. Finishing up

  1. Turn off the power when you are done.
  2. Close the lid.