Surface Roughness


1 Load File

2 Build up the model layer

3 Normal Fit 1

4 Add the roughness layer

5 Normal Fit 2

1. Load File

1. Load "uncoated_glass.dat" in the "Experimental" window.

2. Build up the model layer

1. Click on the "Model" window to popup the menu.

2. Choose the "Add Layer" from the menu.

3. Load cauchy.mat, as the substrate.

4. Check the fit boxes of An and Bn.

3. Normal Fit 1

1. Right-click on the Fit window to pop-up the menu.

2. Click the "Normal Fit".

4. Add the roughness layer

1. Click on the "Model" window to popup the menu.

2. Choose the "Add Layer" from the menu.

3. Load srough.mat, as the roughness.

4. The following dialog box appears. Check the fit box of Thickness.

5. The Model window shows the double layer.

5. Normal Fit 2

1. Right-click on the Fit window to pop-up the menu.

2. Click the "Normal Fit".

3. The MSE is improved to be 1.103, and the roughness is 1.932 nm.