Computer Ethics - Children's Rights and Parential Responsibility

What rights do children have with respect to computers?

Located in the United Kingdom, the Save the Children foundation has a very nice page on Children's Rights. Also, be sure to visit the page on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In Norway, Childwatch International has a lot to offer.

From Santa Clara University comes a Children's Rights page, which includes the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

What are the responsibilities of the parents with respect to computers?

In 1993, Keith Wessel wrote about the then-pending Equal Sharing of Parental Responsibility Act, a proposed law in Wisconsin. Later, Wisconsin adopted Parent's Equal Rights & Responsibilities Bill.

Gordon A. Davidescu wrote that Monitoring Children is The Responsibility of Parents, Not Big Government.

The Campaign For Our Children includes an online clubhouse for adolescents at Room 411.

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