Library Permutations

Require Import Atoms.
Require Import Axioms.

The main purpose of this file is to provide an implementation of the following module signature. We use modules here to purposefully keep the implementation opaque.

We then prove a variety of theorems from the signature (see below).
Module Type PermutationsAbstraction.

Section PermutationDefinitions.
permt A is the type of permutations of atoms of type A.
  Parameter permt : AtomT -> Set.

   Variable A : AtomT.

Apply a permutation to an atom.
  Parameter perma : permt A -> A -> A.

Identity permutation.
  Parameter pid : permt A.

Inverse of a permutation.
  Parameter pinv : permt A -> permt A.

Compose two permutations.
  Parameter pcompose : permt A -> permt A -> permt A.

Extend a permutation by a swap.
  Parameter pextend : (A * A) -> permt A -> permt A.

End PermutationDefinitions.

Implicit Arguments perma [A].
Implicit Arguments pid [A].
Implicit Arguments pinv [A].
Implicit Arguments pcompose [A].
Implicit Arguments pextend [A].

Notation "[]" := (pid) : perms_scope.

Arguments Scope perma [_ perms_scope _ _].
Arguments Scope pinv [_ perms_scope].
Arguments Scope pcompose [_ perms_scope perms_scope].
Arguments Scope pextend [_ _ perms_scope].

Notation "p @ a" :=
  (perma p a)
  (at level 65, right associativity) : perms_scope.

Notation "- p" :=
  (pinv p)
  (at level 35, right associativity) : perms_scope.

Notation "p :++ q" :=
  (pcompose p q)
  (at level 60, right associativity) : perms_scope.

Notation "x :+ p" :=
  (pextend x p)
  (at level 60, right associativity) : perms_scope.

Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (pextend x .. (pextend y pid) ..) : perms_scope.

Bind Scope perms_scope with permt.
Open Scope perms_scope.

Basic properties of permutations.
Section PermutationBaseProperties.
   Variable A : AtomT.

  Axiom perma_id :
    forall a : A, [] @ a = a.

  Axiom perma_inverse :
    forall (p : permt A) (a : A), (- p) @ p @ a = a.

  Axiom perma_compose :
    forall (p q : permt A) (a : A), (p :++ q) @ a = p @ q @ a.

  Axiom perma_eq :
    forall (p q : permt A), (forall a, p @ a = q @ a) -> p = q.

  Axiom perma_extend :
    forall (p : permt A) (ab : A * A) (c : A),
    (ab :+ p) @ c = swapa A ab (p @ c).

End PermutationBaseProperties.

Hint Resolve perma_id perma_inverse perma_compose perma_extend : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_id perma_inverse perma_compose perma_extend : nominal.

End PermutationsAbstraction.

Implementation of atom permutations

Module PermutationsImplementation : PermutationsAbstraction.

We hide the implementation for documentation purposes. Note that we need extensional equality on functions and proof irrelevance here.

End PermutationsImplementation.

Export PermutationsImplementation.

Theorems about atom permutations

Section PermutationEqualities.
Variable A : AtomT.

Lemma perma_double_inv_eq : forall (p : permt A), - - p = p.

Lemma perma_compose_inv_eq : forall (p : permt A), -p :++ p = [].

Lemma perma_compose_inv_eq' : forall (p : permt A), p :++ -p = [].

Lemma perma_inverse' : forall (p : permt A) a, p @ -p @ a = a.

Lemma perma_inv_id : forall (a : A), (- []) @ a = a.

Lemma perma_inv_id_eq : - [] = ([] : permt A).

Lemma perma_injective :
  forall (p : permt A) (a b : A),
  p @ a = p @ b -> a = b.

Lemma perma_inv_compose :
  forall (p q : permt A) a, - (p :++ q) @ a = (-q) :++ (-p) @ a.

Lemma perma_inv_compose_eq :
  forall (p q : permt A), - (p :++ q) = (-q) :++ (-p).

Lemma perma_swap_commute :
  forall (p : permt A) (a b : A),
  p :++ [(a,b)] = [(p @ a, p @ b)] :++ p.

Lemma perma_swap_same : forall (a b : A), [(a, a)] @ b = b.

Lemma perma_swap_same_eq : forall (a b : A), [(a, a)] = [].

Lemma perma_swap_invol :
  forall (ab : A * A) (c : A), [ab] @ [ab] @ c = c.

Lemma perma_swap_invol_eq :
  forall (ab : A * A), [ab] :++ [ab] = [].

Lemma perma_swap_switch :
  forall (a b c : A), [(a, b)] @ c = [(b, a)] @ c.

Lemma perma_swap_switch_eq :
  forall (a b : A), [(a, b)] = [(b, a)].

Lemma perma_inv_swap :
  forall (ab : A * A) (c : A), (- [ab]) @ c = [ab] @ c.

Lemma perma_inv_swap_eq :
  forall (ab : A * A), - [ab] = [ab].

Lemma perma_swap_distrib :
  forall ab (c d x : A),
  [ab] @ [(c,d)] @ x =
  [(swapa A ab c, swapa A ab d)] @ [ab] @ x.

End PermutationEqualities.

Hint Resolve perma_double_inv_eq : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_double_inv_eq : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_compose_inv_eq perma_compose_inv_eq': nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_compose_inv_eq perma_compose_inv_eq': nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_inverse' : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_inverse' : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_inv_id perma_inv_id_eq : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_inv_id perma_inv_id_eq : nominal.
Hint Immediate perma_injective : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_inv_compose perma_inv_compose_eq : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_inv_compose perma_inv_compose_eq : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_swap_commute : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_swap_same perma_swap_same_eq : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_swap_same perma_swap_same_eq : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_swap_invol perma_swap_invol_eq : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_swap_invol perma_swap_invol_eq : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_swap_switch perma_swap_switch_eq : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_inv_swap perma_inv_swap_eq : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perma_inv_swap perma_inv_swap_eq : nominal.
Hint Resolve perma_swap_distrib : nominal.

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