Library STLC

Require Export Nominal.

Module Type STLC.

Parameter tmvar : AtomT.
Definition tmvarP := mkAtomPset tmvar.

Inductive ty : Set :=
  | unit : ty
  | arrow : ty -> ty -> ty.

Definition tyP : PsetT tmvar ty := mkIdPset tmvar ty.

Parameter tm : Set.
Parameter tmP : PsetT tmvar tm.

Parameter dot : tm.
Parameter var : tmvar -> tm.
Parameter app : tm -> tm -> tm.
Parameter lam : tmvar -> ty -> tm -> tm.

Constructor distinctness.
Section Distinctness.
   Variables a b : tmvar.
   Variables T : ty.
   Variables s t q r : tm.

  Axiom distinctness_dot_var : dot <> var a.
  Axiom distinctness_dot_app : dot <> app s t.
  Axiom distinctness_dot_lam : dot <> lam a T s.
  Axiom distinctness_var_dot : var a <> dot.
  Axiom distinctness_var_app : var a <> app s t.
  Axiom distinctness_var_lam : var a <> lam b T s.
  Axiom distinctness_app_dot : app s t <> dot.
  Axiom distinctness_app_var : app s t <> var a.
  Axiom distinctness_app_lam : app s t <> lam a T q.
  Axiom distinctness_lam_dot : lam a T s <> dot.
  Axiom distinctness_lam_var : lam a T s <> var b.
  Axiom distinctness_lam_app : lam a T s <> app q r.
End Distinctness.

Ltac stlc_discriminate :=
  match goal with
    | [H : (var _ = dot) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_var_dot _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (app _ _ = dot) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_app_dot _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (lam _ _ _ = dot) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_lam_dot _ _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (dot = var _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_dot_var _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (app _ _ = var _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_app_var _ _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (lam _ _ _ = var _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_lam_var _ _ _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (dot = app _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_dot_app _ _ H); intuition fail
    | [H : (var _ = app _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_var_app _ _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (lam _ _ _ = app _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_lam_app _ _ _ _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (dot = lam _ _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_dot_lam _ _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (var _ = lam _ _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_var_lam _ _ _ _ H); intuition; fail
    | [H : (app _ _ = lam _ _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (distinctness_app_lam _ _ _ _ _ H); intuition; fail

Permutation on terms.

Section STLCPermutations.
Variable p : permt tmvar.
Variable c : tmvar.
Variable T : ty.
Variables s t : tm.

Axiom perm_dot : perm tmP p dot = dot.

Axiom perm_var : perm tmP p (var c) = var (perm tmvarP p c).

Axiom perm_app :
  perm tmP p (app s t) = app (perm tmP p s) (perm tmP p t).

Axiom perm_lam :
  perm tmP p (lam c T s) = lam (perm tmvarP p c) T (perm tmP p s).

End STLCPermutations.

Free variables.
Section FreeVariables.
   Variables a : tmvar.
   Variables T : ty.
   Variables s t : tm.

  Parameter fvar : tm -> aset tmvar.

  Axiom fvar_dot : fvar dot = empty.
  Axiom fvar_var : fvar (var a) = singleton a.
  Axiom fvar_app : fvar (app s t) = union (fvar s) (fvar t).
  Axiom fvar_lam : fvar (lam a T s) = remove a (fvar s).
End FreeVariables.


Axiom eq_lam :
  forall (a b : tmvar) (T : ty) (t : tm),
  ~ In b (fvar t) ->
  lam a T t = lam b T (perm tmP [(a, b)] t).

Injectivity for constructors.
Section Injectivity.
   Variables a a' : tmvar.
   Variables T T' : ty.
   Variables s s' t t' : tm.

  Axiom injection_var : var a = var a' -> a = a'.

  Axiom injection_app_fun : app s t = app s' t' -> s = s'.

  Axiom injection_app_arg : app s t = app s' t' -> t = t'.

  Axiom injection_lam_ty : lam a T s = lam a' T' s' -> T = T'.

  Axiom injection_lam_body :
    lam a T s = lam a' T' s' ->
      (a = a' /\ s = s') \/
      (a <> a' /\ ~ In a (fvar s') /\ s = perm tmP [(a, a')] s').
End Injectivity.

Ltac stlc_injection :=
  match goal with
    | [H : (var _ = var _) |- _] =>
        pose (injection_var _ _ H)
    | [H : (app _ _ = app _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (injection_app_fun _ _ _ _ H);
        pose (injection_app_arg _ _ _ _ H)
    | [H : (lam _ _ _ = lam _ _ _) |- _] =>
        pose (injection_lam_ty _ _ _ _ _ _ H);
        pose (injection_lam_body _ _ _ _ _ _ H)

Structural induction.
Axiom tm_induction_weak :
  forall (P : tm -> Type),
  (P dot) ->
  (forall a, P (var a)) ->
  (forall s, P s -> forall t, P t -> P (app s t)) ->
  (forall a T s, P s -> P (lam a T s)) ->
  forall x : tm, P x.

Primitive recursion.
Parameter tm_rec
     : forall R : Set,
       R ->
       (tmvar -> R) ->
       (tm -> R -> tm -> R -> R) ->
       (tmvar -> ty -> tm -> R -> R) -> aset tmvar -> tm -> R.

Axiom tm_rec_dot
     : forall (R : Set) (f_dot : R) (f_var : tmvar -> R)
         (f_app : tm -> R -> tm -> R -> R)
         (f_lam : tmvar -> ty -> tm -> R -> R) (F : aset tmvar),
       tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F dot = f_dot.

Axiom tm_rec_var
     : forall (R : Set) (f_dot : R) (f_var : tmvar -> R)
         (f_app : tm -> R -> tm -> R -> R)
         (f_lam : tmvar -> ty -> tm -> R -> R) (F : aset tmvar) (a : tmvar),
       tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F (var a) = f_var a.

Axiom tm_rec_app
     : forall (R : Set) (f_dot : R) (f_var : tmvar -> R)
         (f_app : tm -> R -> tm -> R -> R)
         (f_lam : tmvar -> ty -> tm -> R -> R) (F : aset tmvar) (s t : tm),
       tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F (app s t) =
       f_app s (tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F s) t
         (tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F t).

Axiom tm_rec_lam
     : forall (R : Set) (RP : PsetT tmvar R) (f_dot : R) (f_var : tmvar -> R)
         (f_app : tm -> R -> tm -> R -> R)
         (f_lam : tmvar -> ty -> tm -> R -> R) (F : aset tmvar),
       supports RP F f_dot ->
       supports (tmvarP ^-> RP) F f_var ->
       supports (tmP ^-> RP ^-> tmP ^-> RP ^-> RP) F f_app ->
       supports (tmvarP ^-> tyP ^-> tmP ^-> RP ^-> RP) F f_lam ->
       (exists b : tmvar,
          ~ In (e:=asetR tmvar) b F /\
          (forall (x : ty) (y : tm) (z : R), freshP RP b (f_lam b x y z))) ->
       forall (a : tmvar) (T : ty) (s : tm),
       ~ In (e:=asetR tmvar) a F ->
       tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F (lam a T s) =
       f_lam a T s (tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F s).

Axiom tm_rec_supp
     : forall (R : Set) (RP : PsetT tmvar R) (f_dot : R) (f_var : tmvar -> R)
         (f_app : tm -> R -> tm -> R -> R)
         (f_lam : tmvar -> ty -> tm -> R -> R) (F : aset tmvar),
       supports RP F f_dot ->
       supports (tmvarP ^-> RP) F f_var ->
       supports (tmP ^-> RP ^-> tmP ^-> RP ^-> RP) F f_app ->
       supports (tmvarP ^-> tyP ^-> tmP ^-> RP ^-> RP) F f_lam ->
       (exists b : tmvar,
          ~ In (e:=asetR tmvar) b F /\
          (forall (x : ty) (y : tm) (z : R), freshP RP b (f_lam b x y z))) ->
       supports (tmP ^-> RP) F (tm_rec R f_dot f_var f_app f_lam F).

Automation hints.
Hint Resolve distinctness_dot_var : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_dot_app : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_dot_lam : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_var_dot : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_var_app : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_var_lam : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_app_dot : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_app_var : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_app_lam : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_lam_dot : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_lam_var : stlc.
Hint Resolve distinctness_lam_app : stlc.

Hint Resolve perm_dot : stlc.
Hint Resolve perm_var : stlc.
Hint Resolve perm_app : stlc.
Hint Resolve perm_lam : stlc.

Hint Rewrite perm_dot : stlc.
Hint Rewrite perm_var : stlc.
Hint Rewrite perm_app : stlc.
Hint Rewrite perm_lam : stlc.

Hint Resolve fvar_dot : stlc.
Hint Resolve fvar_var : stlc.
Hint Resolve fvar_app : stlc.
Hint Resolve fvar_lam : stlc.

Hint Rewrite fvar_dot : stlc.
Hint Rewrite fvar_var : stlc.
Hint Rewrite fvar_app : stlc.
Hint Rewrite fvar_lam : stlc.

Hint Immediate injection_var : stlc.
Hint Immediate injection_app_fun : stlc.
Hint Immediate injection_app_arg : stlc.
Hint Immediate injection_lam_ty : stlc.
Hint Immediate injection_lam_body : stlc.

Hint Resolve tm_rec_dot tm_rec_var tm_rec_app : stlc.
Hint Rewrite tm_rec_dot tm_rec_var tm_rec_app : stlc.

Hint Immediate tm_rec_lam : stlc.
Hint Rewrite tm_rec_lam using (auto with stlc nominal; fail) : stlc.


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