
Seminar announcement


This past Wednesday, we began discussing the recent work of Luke Ong
on the "lazy" lambda calculus.  There seems to be enough interest in
discussing more papers this summer, so we propose to have an informal
occasional seminar at MIT.  Some possible topics:
      1. Plotkin's partial function models and his metalanguage for
         denotational semantics;
      2. ML type inference;
      3. Moggi's thesis;
      4. Other recent work in semantics or type theory.
The first meeting (maybe two) will be spent finishing Ong's paper;
people can still join the current discussion quite easily.

We propose Tuesday or Thursday afternoons as a meeting time, since
Wednesdays seem to be a bad time for many people.  (The seminar
will meet intermittently, given the usual slate of conferences and
vacations.)  If you are interested, please send e-mail to either
of us with times you CANNOT come, and topics you would like to discuss
and/or present.

--Jon Riecke and Bard Bloom
  riecke@theory.lcs.mit.edu, bard@theory.lcs.mit.edu