
Static Analysis Symposium '99 (cfp)


                         First Call For Papers

             International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'99) 

                           Venezia, Italy, 
                        22--24 September 1999 


Static Analysis is increasingly recognised as a fundamental tool for
high performance implementations and verification systems of high-level
programming languages. The last two decades have witnessed substantial
developments in this area, ranging from theoretical frameworks to
design, implementation, and application of analysers in
optimising compilers.

The Sixth International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'99) will be held 
in Venezia, together with LOPSTR'99, hosted by Ca' Foscari University.
Previous symposia were held in Namur, Glasgow, Aachen, Paris, and Pisa.  

The technical program for SAS'99 will consist of invited lectures, tutorials, 
panels, presentations of refereed papers, and software demonstrations. 
Contributions are welcome on all aspects of Static Analysis, including, 
but not limited to

      Abstract Interpretation            Data Flow Analysis 
      Complexity Analysis                Theoretical Frameworks  
      Optimising Compilers               Verification Systems    
      Program Specialization             Type Inference          
      Model Checking                     Abstract Domains       

Submissions can address any programming paradigm, including
concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic and
object-oriented programming.  Survey papers that present some aspect
of the above topics with a new coherence are also welcome.

Papers must be written in English, must not exceed 15
pages (excluding references and figures), and must contain a cover
page containing the following: a 200-word abstract, keywords, postal
and electronic mailing addresses, and phone numbers and fax numbers of
one of the authors.  Submissions should arrive by March 15, 1999
by email (uuencoded, compressed, postscript file).

Email:  sas99@dsi.unive.it 
Phone:  + 39 49 8275989  
Fax:    + 39 49 8758596  
Post:   Gilberto File'
        Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata 
        Universita' di Padova
        via Belzoni 7 
        I35131 Padova, Italy 

Electronic submission is preferred, but do ensure that your submission
is self-contained and prints on A4 paper.  At the time of submission a
message containing an ASCII or LaTeX version of the paper's cover
page should be sent by email.  All electronic submissions will be
acknowledged.  Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection
of their papers by  May 17, 1999. Final versions of the accepted
papers must be received in camera-ready form by June 10, 1999. 
The proceedings are expected to be published by Springer-Verlag
in the LNCS series.

Program Chair:

G. File'  (Padova) 

Program Committee:

C. Chambers (Washington) 
A. Cortesi (Ca' Foscari) 
P. Cousot (LIENS)  
R. Giacobazzi (Pisa)  
G. Gupta (New Mexico)  
A. Mycroft (Cambridge)  
F. Nielson (Aarhus)  
J. Palsberg (Purdue)  
A. Podelski (Max Plank Inst.) 
S. Sagiv (Tel Aviv)  
D. Schmidt (Kansas State)  
M.L. Soffa  (Pittsburgh)  
H. Sondergaard (Melbourne)  
P. Van Hentenryck (Brown)

Important Dates 
Submission:    March 15,1999  
Notification:  May 17, 1999 
Final Version: June 10, 1999

Organizing Committee:
Michele  Bugliesi  
Nicoletta Cocco  
Agostino Cortesi  
Riccardo Focardi  
Sabina Rossi  

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{\bf Program Chair} \\
G. Fil\'e (Padova) \\

{\bf Program Committee} \\
C. Chambers (Washington)\\
A. Cortesi (Ca' Foscari)\\
P. Cousot (LIENS) \\
R. Giacobazzi (Pisa) \\
G. Gupta (New Mexico) \\
A. Mycroft (Cambridge) \\
F. Nielson (Aarhus) \\
J. Palsberg (Purdue) \\
A. Podelski (Max Plank Inst.) \\
S. Sagiv (Tel Aviv) \\
D. Schmidt (Kansas State) \\
M.L. Soffa  (Pittsburgh) \\
H. S\o ndergaard (Melbourne) \\ 
P. Van Hentenryck (Brown)


{\bf Important Dates} \\
Submission: & March 15 \\
Notification: & May 17 \\
Final Version: & June 10

{\bf Organizing Committee} \\
Michele  Bugliesi \\
Nicoletta Cocco \\
Agostino Cortesi \\
Riccardo Focardi \\
Sabina Rossi \\
{\Large First Call For Papers} 
{\Large\bf International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'99)}
{\bf Universit\`a Ca' Foscari} \\
{\bf Venezia, Italy, 22--24 September 1999}
{\tt http://www.dsi.unive.it/\~{}sas99}

Static Analysis is increasingly recognised as a fundamental tool for
high performance implementations and verification systems of high-level
programming languages. The last two decades have witnessed substantial
developments in this area, ranging from theoretical frameworks to
design, implementation, and application of analysers in
optimising compilers.

\hspace{0.3cm} The Sixth International Static Analysis Symposium
(SAS'99) will be held in Venezia, together with LOPSTR'99, hosted by
Ca' Foscari University.
Previous symposia were held in Namur, Glasgow, Aachen,  Paris, and Pisa.  

\hspace{0.3cm} The technical program for SAS'99 will consist of
invited lectures, tutorials, panels, presentations of refereed papers,
and software demonstrations. Contributions are welcome on all aspects
of Static Analysis, including, but not limited to

Abstract Interpretation         &       Data Flow Analysis     \\
Complexity Analysis             &       Theoretical Frameworks \\
Optimising Compilers            &       Verification Systems   \\
Program Specialization          &       Type Inference         \\
Model Checking                  &       Abstract Domains       \\

Submissions can address \emph{any} programming paradigm, including
concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic and
object-oriented programming.  Survey papers that present some aspect
of the above topics with a new coherence are also welcome.

\hspace{0.3cm} Papers must be written in English, must not exceed 15
pages (excluding references and figures), and must contain a cover
page containing the following: a 200-word abstract, keywords, postal
and electronic mailing addresses, and phone numbers and fax numbers of
one of the authors.  Submissions should arrive by
{\bf March 15, 1999} by email (uuencoded, compressed, postscript
Email: & sas99@dsi.unive.it \\
Phone: & + 39 49 8275989 \\
Fax:   & + 39 49 8758596 \\
Post:  & Gilberto Fil\'e \\
       & Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata \\
       & Universit\`{a} di Padova \\
       & via Belzoni 7 \\
       & I35131 Padova, Italy \\

Electronic submission is preferred, but do ensure that your submission
is self-contained and prints on A4 paper.  At the time of submission a
message containing an ASCII or \LaTeX{} version of the paper's cover
page should be sent by email.  All electronic submissions will be
acknowledged.  Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection
of their papers by {\bf May 17, 1999}. Final versions of the accepted
papers must be received in camera-ready form by {\bf June 10, 1999}. 
The proceedings are expected to be published by Springer-Verlag
in the LNCS series.}