
Post-FSTTCS Workshop on Mobile Computation

        19th International Conference on



     13--15 December 1999, IIT Campus, Chennai

   URL: http://www.imsc.ernet.in/~fsttcs99
 Email: fsttcs99@imsc.ernet.in


		  Foundations of Mobile Computation
	  A Post-Conference Satellite Workshop of FST & TCS 99
			 December 16-17, 1999

                  Institute of Mathematical Sciences
			    Chennai, India

The workshop will address fundamental principles in the definition,
analysis and implementation of languages and models for mobile
distributed programming.

The last few years have seen several new technologies and languages
that support mobile computing and mobile computation.  In particular,
languages and systems like Java, Telescript, Obliq, Aglets etc. have
gained popularity and wide application.  Several other languages based
on mobility of diverse kinds -- links, code, processes -- such as
Pict, Facile, CML, Oz, Jocaml, and various semantic models such as
distributed and higher-order pi-calculi or related frameworks such as
Ambients, Join calculus, Blue calculus, Seal calculus, Fusion
calculus, etc. serve as research vehicles for exploring ideas of
distributed scope and mobility.

The theme of the workshop is formal operational foundations of mobile
computation, including semantics, equivalences and program logics.
Associated with the frameworks mentioned above are numerous issues,
related to typing and type safety, security, mobility, architectures
and protocols, active networks, proof-carrying code, protocol analysis
and verification, concurrent constraint solving, as well as numerous
interesting applications such as switchware, programmable hybrid
systems, and reactive systems.

The aim of the workshop is to introduce these operational frameworks
to potentially interested researchers (the tutorial aspect) as well as
provide a forum for researchers active in the area to report on recent
results or ongoing work. 

**Invited Speakers**  (we hope to have more speakers)

	Gerard Boudol		(INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis)
	Andrew Gordon 		(Microsoft Research, UK)
	Jean-Jacques Levy  	(INRIA, Rocquencourt)

**Programme Committee**

	Roberto Amadio 		(U of Provence, Marseille)
	Hans Huttel		(U. of Aalborg)
	Jean-Jacques Levy	(INRIA, Rocquencourt)
	Benjamin Pierce		(U. of Pennsylvania)
	Sanjiva Prasad		(IIT, Delhi) (Organizer)
	R. Ramanujam		(IMSc, Chennai) (Organizer)

**Submission of papers**

	Submitted papers (max 15 pp) should be sent *as uuencoded 
	gzipped postscript files* to: 

	      mobile99@cse.iitd.ernet.in by September 15, 1999.

        In a separate mail, send a text-only message indicating the
	title of the submission and authors' contact information. 

	We encourage you to provide a pointer to a full paper, if you
	wish, which can then be accessed from the workshop homepage.
	We will also consider providing links to short position
	statements (1-2pp).

	We encourage not only submissions presenting original research
	results, but also papers that attempt to establish links
	between different approaches to mobile computation,
	particularly to logical frameworks and to existing
	implementation technologies.  Original research results should
	be clearly described, and their usefulness to practitioners
	outlined. Papers describing tools are also welcome, provided
	these tools will be demonstrated during the workshop.


	Full papers will be published electronically on the workshop
	home page.  The workshop proceedings will also be available as a
	technical report.

**Important dates**
	Deadline for Submission			15 September, 1999
	Notification to Authors			15 October, 1999
	Final Version of Accepted Papers due	1 November, 1999
	Deadline for Early Registration		15 November, 1999
	Workshop				16-17 December, 1999

**Contact information**

        Workshop E-mail Address:       mobile99@cse.iitd.ernet.in 
        Workshop Home Page:      http://www.cse.iitd.ernet.in/~mobile99
	              also:      http://www.imsc.ernet.in/~fsttcs99