

               Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium
                         CATS 2000: CALL FOR PAPERS

   The Australian National University, Canberra, 31 January - 2 February, 2000

Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium 2000 is the sixth in a series
of annual forums for researchers in theoretical computer science. Typical,
but not exclusive, topics of interest include

- Algorithms and data structures
- Category theory
- Complexity and computability
- Computational algebra, biology, geometry, logic, and number theory
- Concurrency
- Distributed and parallel computing
- Formal semantics, specification, synthesis, and verification.

CATS 2000 will be held as part of the Australasian Computer Science
Week. Please see http://cs.anu.edu.au/ACSW2k/ .

Invited Speakers
Rod Burstall, University of Edinburgh
Mariangiola Dezani, Universita di Torino
Lance Fortnow, University of Chicago
Emo Welzl, ETH, Zuerich

Programme Committee
R.J. Downey, Victoria University, Wellington
P. Eades, University of Newcastle
A. Fekete, University of Sydney
J.A. Goguen, University of California at San Diego
J.W. Lloyd, The Australian National University
I.A. Mason, University of New England
J. Pach, New York University, and Hungarian Academy of Sciences
I. Shparlinski, Macquarie University
P.G. Walsh, University of Ottawa
R.F.C. Walters, University of Sydney
D.A. Wolfram, The Australian National University, (Chair).

Submissions and Proceedings

The proceedings of CATS 2000 will appear as an on-line volume of
"Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science" (ENTCS). 

Selected papers from the Proceedings will appear in a special issue of
"Theoretical Computer Science".  

Submitted manuscripts must be original, and not exceed fifteen
pages. An author of an accepted paper must present the paper at CATS
2000. An abstract and authors' e-mail addresses must be included.
Submissions should be sent as LaTeX files by e-mail to

ENTCS LaTeX macros for the CATS Proceedings and formatting specifications for 
submissions are available via http://cs.anu.edu.au/cats2000/catscfp.html .

Key Dates for CATS 2000

   * Friday, 27 August 1999 - Submission of papers. This is a hard deadline.
     Submissions timestamped or postmarked after this date will be returned.
   * Friday, 8 October 1999 - Notification of acceptance for presentation.
   * Friday, 29 October 1999 - Submission of camera-ready copy.
   * Friday, 5 November 1999 - Author Registration.
   * Monday, 31 January 2000 - Wednesday, 2 February 2000 - CATS 2000