
SAS2000: First Call for Papers

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*                  First Call For Papers                        *
*                                                               *
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*      Co-located with and immediately following LICS2000       *
*                                                               *
*           University of California, Santa Barbara             *
*                    29 June-1 July, 2000                       *
*                                                               *
*              http://www.cis.ksu.edu/santos/sas/               *
*                                                               *

Static Analysis  is  increasingly  recognized  as  a  fundamental
technique  for  high performance implementations and verification
systems of high-level  programming  languages.    The  series  of
Static  Analysis  Symposia  has  served  as the primary venue for
presentation of advances in the  area.   Previous  symposia  were
held in Venice, Pisa, Paris, Aachen, Glasgow, and Namur.

The Seventh International  Static  Analysis  Symposium  (SAS2000)
will  be  at  the  same location as and immediately following the
IEEE  Logic  in  Computer  Science  Conference   (LICS2000;   see
http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/who/libkin/lics/).  Both LICS and SAS
will be held at  the  Conference  Center  of  the  University  of
California,  Santa  Barbara,  which is situated on the beaches of
the Pacific Ocean (see http://www.ucsb.edu/).  

The  technical  program  for  SAS2000  will  consist  of  invited
lectures,   presentations   of   refereed  papers,  and  software
demonstrations.  Contributions are  welcome  on  all  aspects  of
Static Analysis, including, but not limited to:

    abstract interpretation          data flow analysis 
    complexity analysis              theoretical frameworks  
    optimizing compilers             verification Systems    
    program specialization           type inference          
    model checking                   abstract domains.

Submissions  can  address  any  programming  paradigm,  including
concurrent,   constraint,   functional,   imperative,  logic  and
object-oriented programming.  Survey  papers  that  present  some
aspect of the above topics with a new coherence are also welcome.

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers  that
have  been  published  or  that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with a refereed proceedings.

Submitted papers must be written in  English  and  print  on  USA
8.5x11-inch  paper.   Papers should be at most 15 pages excluding
the bibliography and well-marked appendices, and at most 25 pages
total.   Papers  should  use  at  least  an 11-point font, single
column format,  and  reasonable  margins  on  8.5x11-inch  paper.
Program   committee   members   are  not  required  to  read  any
appendices, and so a paper should be intelligible without them.

Submitted papers must on the first page   contain  an   abstract,
and  postal  and electronic mailing addresses for at least one of
the authors.  Submissions should arrive  by  January  15,   2000.
All  submissions  must  be done electronically; details of how to
submit a paper will be announced later.

Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of  their
papers  by  March 13, 2000. Final versions of the accepted papers
must be received in camera-ready form by  April  10,  2000.   The
proceedings  are  expected  to be published by Springer-Verlag in
the LNCS series.

Regularly updated information about SAS2000 can be found at  this
URL:  http://www.cis.ksu.edu/santos/sas/.

Important Dates:
Submission:    January 15, 2000.
Notification:  March 13, 2000.
Final Version: April 10, 2000.

General Chair:

David Schmidt
Computing and Information Sciences Dept.
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506, USA

Program Chair:

Jens Palsberg
Purdue University
Dept of Computer Science
W Lafayette, IN 47907, USA

Program Committee:

Patrick Cousot (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
Gilberto File (Padova University, Italy)
Roberto Giacobazzi (Universita di Verona, Italy)
C. Barry Jay (University of Technology, Sydney)
Thomas Jensen (IRISA/CNRS, France)
Neil D. Jones (DIKU, Denmark)
Jens Palsberg (Purdue University, USA)
David Sands (Chalmers University of Technology and Goteborg University)
David Schmidt (Kansas State University, USA)
Scott Smith (The Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Bernhard Steffen (University of Dortmund, Germany)
Pascal Van Hentenryck (Brown University, USA and Univ. Catholique de Louvain)
Joe Wells (Heriot-Watt University, Scotland)