
Workshop on subtyping & dependent types in programming

       6th July 2000, Ponte de Lima , Portugal 
                  CALL FOR PAPERS 



The workshop is to be held in conjunction with MPC'2000. The aim of 
the workshop is to bring together researchers in the area of programming 
languages and proof systems. The workshop is supported by the ESPRIT 
WG APPSEM (Applied Semantics), but  is aimed at all researchers in the 
area, including those which are not formally involved in APPSEM. 

Submissions: the emphasis of the workshop will be the use of novel
type systems in programming languages and proof systems. We
particularly seek for contributions  in the areas of subtypes and
dependent types in programming.  

Topics include (but are not limited to): 
- subtyping in programming and proof systems 
- dependent types in programming 
- module systems 
- implementations 
- practical applications 
- meta-theoretical studies 

Important dates: 
- Submission deadline: 20 March 
- Notification: 30 April 
- Final version due: 20 May 
- Workshop: 6   July 

Proceedings: The workshop proceedings will be published 
as an INRIA report, and will be available during the workshop. 
Proceedings will also be made available on-line. 

Invited speaker: Eugenio Moggi (Universita di Genova, Italy) 

Program committee: 
Gilles Barthe (INRIA, France) 
Peter Dybjer (Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Sweden) 
Zhaohui Luo (University of Durham, UK) 
Peter Thiemann (Universität Freiburg, Germany) 
Simon Thompson (University of Kent, UK)