
FOOL 7 workshop - call for participation

The call for participation for FOOL 7 can be found below and at


                       CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                 The Seventh International Workshop on 
               Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages

                               FOOL 7

                      Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

                          January 22, 2000
                     Boston, Massachusetts, USA 
                         Following POPL '00

The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has
given rise to much work on the theory of programming languages during
the past 15 years, leading to a better understanding of the key
concepts of object-oriented languages and to important developments in
type theory, semantics, and program verification. The FOOL workshops
bring together researchers to share new ideas and results in these

The next workshop, FOOL 7, will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, on
Saturday January 22, 2000, the day after POPL'00. Six contributed
papers will be presented; in addition, there will be two invited
talks, by Didier Remy (INRIA) and Akinori Yonezawa (U. of Tokyo),
and a panel discussion.

To register for the workshop, use the standard POPL registration form,
available through:


Preliminary schedule

Saturday, January 22nd

9 - 10         Didier Remy 
               (Invited talk)

10 - 10:30     break

10:30-12:30    Kathleen Fisher, John Reppy
               "Inheritance-based subtyping"
               Ran Rinat
               "Type-safe covariant specialization with generalized matching"
               Michele Bugliesi, Santiago Pericas-Geersten 
               "Depth subtyping and type inference for object calculi"

               Atsushi Igarashi, Benjamin Pierce
               "On inner classes"

12:30 - 2      lunch

2 - 3          Akinori Yonezawa 
               "Message or Object? -- Origin and Future of Concurrent Objects"
               (Invited talk)

3 - 3:30       break

3:30 - 4:30    Michele Bugliesi, Giuseppe Castagna
               "Mobile objects"
               Alan Jeffrey
               "A distributed object calculus"
4:30 - 5:30    panel on objects and intermediate languages


Program committee:

    Martin Abadi, Bell Labs, Lucent (chair) <fool7@cs.williams.edu>
    Gilad Bracha, Sun Java Software
    Giuseppe Castagna, CNRS & Ecole Normale Superieure
    Craig Chambers, University of Washington
    Adriana Compagnoni, Stevens Institute of Technology
    Naoki Kobayashi, University of Tokyo
    Gary Leavens, Iowa State University
    Andrew Myers, Cornell University

Local arrangements chair:

    Mark Wegman, IBM <wegman@us.ibm.com>
