
Positions at the University of Kent, UK

Applications from people with a `types' interest would fit well
with existing research in `programming languages and systems'.


Positions in the Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, UK

Professor/Reader (post A00/23)

The Computing Laboratory (RAE grade 4, TQA Excellent) seeks to appoint a
Professor/Reader who can provide research leadership in one of the following areas, 
or a new area complementary to one of these: 

  Computer Science Education; Formal Methods; Information Systems, Data Analysis 
  and Visualisation; Networks and Distributed Systems; Parallel Computing;
  Programming Languages and Systems; Software and Systems Engineering.

Candidates with interests in an aspect of Information Systems would be 
particularly welcome. 

Senior Lecturer (post A00/24) Lecturer (post A00/25)

Two lectureships (one at a Senior level) are also available for candidates
with research interests in one of the Laboratory's research areas (given above); 
those with specialisms in parallel computing, security or e-commerce would be 
particularly welcome.

Research Fellow (post A00/26)

The post of Research Fellow, which is offered for an initial period of three
years, will support the Laboratory's collaboration with Sun Microsystems. 
Candidates with an interest in any aspects of object technology or enterprise 
systems are encouraged to apply.

All posts are available immediately within the following salary ranges:
Professor (minimum 36,401 UKP per annum), Reader
(31,563 to 38,561 UKP), Senior Lecturer (31,563 to 35,670 UKP),
Lecturer/Research Fellow (17,238 to 30,065 UKP).

Further particulars and application details are available from the Personnel
Office, The Registry, University of Kent, Canterbury,
Kent CT2 7NZ. Tel: (01227) 827837 (24 hours) or 823674 (Minicom), quoting the
appropriate reference. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the 
Director of the Computing Laboratory, Professor Keith Mander (01227 827550,
K.C.Mander@ukc.ac.uk) for an informal discussion. 

General information about the Computing Laboratory is available at 

Closing date: Friday 7 January 2000.