
Call for papers FST TCS 2000

*                                                                     *
*                            FST TCS 2000                             *
*                                                                     *
* Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science *
*                        December 13--15, 2000                        *
*                          New Delhi, India                           *
*                                                                     *
*                          Call for Papers                            *

IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science,
announces the 20th Annual FST TCS Conference in New Delhi.
Tentatively planned satellite events include include two workshops: on
Computational Geometry and on Advances in Programming Languages.

Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and
unpublished research on **any** theoretical aspects of Computer
Science. Papers in applied areas with a strong foundational emphasis
are also welcome.  The proceedings of the last six years' conferences
(Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science volumes 880, 1026,
1180, 1346, 1530, 1738) give an idea of the kind of papers typically
presented at FST TCS.  Typical areas include (but are not restricted to):

         Automata, Languages and Computability 
         Randomized and Approximation Algorithms 
         Computational Geometry
         Computational Biology
         Combinatorial Optimization
         Graph and Network Algorithms 
         Complexity Theory 
         Parallel and Distributed Computing 
         New Models of Computation
         Concurrent, Real-time and Hybrid Systems 
         Logics of Programs and Modal Logics
         Database Theory  and Information Retrieval
         Automated Reasoning, Rewrite Systems, and Applications 
         Logic, Proof Theory, Model Theory and Applications
         Semantics of Programming Languages
         Static Analysis and  Type Systems
         Theory of Functional and Constraint-based Programming 
         Software Specification and Verification 
         Cryptography and Security Protocols

For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, one of 
the authors must commit to presenting the paper at the conference.

Important Dates
  Deadline for Submission                             31 May, 2000
  Notification to Authors                             15 August, 2000
  Final Version of Accepted Papers due                15 September, 2000
  Deadline for Early Registration	       		15 November, 2000 

Submission Guidelines
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Authors may submit drafts of full papers or extended abstracts.
Submissions are limited to 12 A4-size pages, with 1.5 inch top
margin and other margins 1 inch wide with 11 point or larger font.  
Authors who feel that more details are necessary may include a 
clearly marked appendix which will be read at the discretion of 
the Programme Committee.  Each paper should contain a short abstract.  
If available, e-mail addresses and fax numbers of the authors should 
be included.

Electronic Submissions
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Electronic submission is strongly encouraged.  Self-contained
uuencoded gzipped Postscript versions of the paper may be sent by
e-mail to 

In addition, the following information in ASCII format should be 
sent to this address in a **separate** e-mail: Title; authors; 
communicating author's name, address, and e-mail address and 
fax number if available; abstract of paper.

Hard-Copy Submissions
- ---------------------
If electronic submission is not possible, authors may submit five 
(5) hard-copies of the paper by post to the following address:

		    FST TCS 2000
		    Department of Computer Science  and Engineering 
		    I.I.T., Delhi 
		    Hauz Khas
		    New Delhi 110 016

Invited Speakers
Invited Speakers who have confirmed participation include:
 Peter Buneman (U Penn)
 Bernard Chazelle (Princeton)
 E. Allen Emerson (U Texas, Austin)
 Philip Wadler (Bell Labs)

Programme Committee

Pankaj Agarwal		(Duke)
Manindra Aggarwal	      (IIT, Kanpur)		
Tetsuo Asano		(JAIST)
Vijay Chandru		(IISc, Bangalore)
Rance Cleaveland	      (Stony Brook)		
Anuj Dawar		      (Cambridge)			
Madhavan Mukund		(CMI, Chennai)		
Sampath Kannan		(AT&T Research)
Sanjiv Kapoor		(IIT, Delhi)		(Co-chair)
Kamal Lodaya		(IMSc, Chennai)		
Gopalan Nadathur	      (U Chicago)			
Seffi Naor		      (Bell Labs and Technion)
Tobias Nipkow		(TU Munich)			
Luke Ong		      (Oxford)			
C. Pandurangan		(IIT, Madras)
Paritosh Pandya		(TIFR)		
Benjamin Pierce		(U Penn)			
Sanjiva Prasad		(IIT, Delhi)		(Co-chair)		
Sridhar Rajgopal	      (IBM, Almaden)
A. Ranade		      (IIT, Bombay)
Dave Sands		      (Chalmers)	
A Prasad Sistla		(U Illinois, Chicago)	
Michiel Smid		(Magdeburg)
Mandayam K. Srivas	(SRI) 

Organized by
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 100 016. 

Organzing Committee
Sandeep Sen			(chair)
Naveen Garg			(treasurer)
S N Maheshwari

Conference Site
The Conference will take place at the India International Centre,
40 Lodhi Estate, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110 003.

Correspondence Address
All correspondence regarding submissions may be addressed to 

    FST TCS 2000
    Department of Computer Science  and Engineering 
    I.I.T., Delhi
    Hauz Khas, 
    New Delhi 110 016, INDIA

    Email:	  fsttcs20@cse.iitd.ernet.in
    Fax:	  +91 11 686 8765
    Phone:	  +91 11 659 1294 / 659 1286
    URL:	  http://www.cse.iitd.ernet.in/~fsttcs20


				    Sanjiva Prasad
				 Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering		sanjiva@cse.iitd.ernet.in
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi			(Off) +91 11 659 1294
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016					(Res) +91 11 659 1684
INDIA									(Fax) +91 11 686 8765
