
Research/Study in Logics, Types, Rewriting, & Applications

The ULTRA group (Useful Logics, Types, Rewriting, and Applications) at
Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh is seeking active and energetic
candidates for the following positions:

  * 2 postdoctoral research positions, 6 months each (extendable
    depending on performance and funding), starting 1 October 2000
    (possibly negotiable)

  * 1 postgrad student position

Preference will be given to candidates with strong backgrounds in one
or more of the following areas:

  * Type inference (i.e., searching for types given an untyped
    program) and the use of types for program analysis.  Expertise in
    intersection/union types is especially useful, but not necessary.

  * Equational reasoning for programming language semantics, including
    imperative features (I/O, assignments, etc.).

  * Logics (both classical and constructive), type theories, rewriting
    systems (including lambda calculus), and their interaction in the
    Proofs-as-Programs/Propositions-as-Types correspondence
    (a.k.a. the Curry/Howard/de Bruijn correspondence).
  * Notions of binding, reference, and substitution, including such
    areas as explicit substitutions, generalized notions of reduction,
    and mechanisms for supporting type definitions in typed calculi.

In all of these areas, there are opportunities both for research in
theoretical foundations (e.g., proving termination, confluence,
subject reduction, extensions to polymorphic types, etc.) and
practical implementations aimed both at programming languages and
theorem provers.

The ULTRA group does research in the design, implementation, and
applications of systems of logic, types, and rewriting.  The group
regularly organizes international events both at Heriot-Watt and
abroad.  The group also has strong international collaborations (in
particular with the AUTOMATH and Type Theory group in Eindhoven (NL)
and the Church Project (USA)) and regularly brings high-level
researchers to visit Heriot-Watt.  Further information about the ULTRA
group can be found at <URL:http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/ultra/>.

Interested candidates should send the following:

  1. Curriculum vitae.
  2. Three letters of recommendation sent to us directly by your
  3. A two-page description of how your research fits the goals of
     the ULTRA group.

This material should be sent to either Prof. Fairouz Kamareddine or
Dr. Joe Wells at one of these addresses:

  Postal: Heriot-Watt University
          Dept. of Computing & Electrical Eng.
          Riccarton, EDINBURGH, EH14 4AS
          Scotland, UK
  E-mail: fairouz@cee.hw.ac.uk, jbw@cee.hw.ac.uk
  Fax: +44 131 451 3327

Further information can be obtained by contacting either
Prof. Kamareddine or Dr. Wells.