
QAPL'01 Workshop - 1st Call for Papers

                      QAPL'01 First Call for Papers
        Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Laguages

           Satellite to Principles, Logics, and Implementations
                of high-level programming languages, PLI'01
                  September 3 - 7, 2001 -- Firenze, Italy


The majority of approaches in program semantics and analysis are
arguably concentrated on qualitative investigations of the various
computational properties. As a result, some aspects of computation are
neglected, which are of a quantitative nature. Such aspects are
nevertheless important and sometimes essential in determining the
behaviour of systems. As an example, issues related to resource
consumption (storage, time, bandwidth, etc.) cannot be ignored when
systems of interacting, competing or cooperating processes are

The aim of this workshop is to discuss appropriate models of programming
languages, which are able to capture various quantitative aspects of
computation.  Such models could form the base of new approaches in
semantics and program analysis and their investigation will hopefully
not just allow for a better understanding of programs behaviour (e.g.
how agents compete for a limited resource), but also help to establish
connections with related complexity theoretic questions.

We think of probabilistic languages and real-time languages as of two
important prototypical examples of quantitative models. We nevertheless
would like to encourage contributions covering other and/or more general
quantitative aspects in the design, analysis and implementation of
programming languages, with particular emphasis on the functional and
declarative paradigms.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

        Probabilistic Aspects
        (Real) Time Aspects
        General Quantitative Aspects

in relation to

 	Language design,
 	Abstract Interpretation,
 	Language extension,
 	Coordination models,
 	Language expressiveness,
 	Distributed systems,
 	Performance analysis,
 	Program analysis,

Invited Talk:

       David Sands, Chalmers University, Sweden


Submitted papers should be at most 12 pages in A4 format.
The use of the ENTCS style files is strongly recommended
(cf. http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs/).

Informal proceedings will be published as a technical report and made
available during the workshop. The best papers presented at the workshop
will be selected for publication as an ENTCS volume.

Further information on the submission procedure will be available soon
at the workshop page http://www.di.unipi.it/~dipierro/qapl01.html


	Submission: June 4, 2001.
        Notification: July 16, 2001.
        Final Versions: August 27, 2001.

Workshop Organizers:

       Alessandra Di Pierro, University of Pisa, Italy
       Herbert Wiklicky, Imperial College, UK

Program Committee:

       Luca de Alfaro, University of California at Berkeley, USA
       Frank de Boer, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
       Alessandra Di Pierro, University of Pisa, Italy
       Maurizio Gabbrielli, University of Udine, Italy
       Marta Z. Kwiatkowska, University of Birmingham, UK
       Herbert Wiklicky, Imperial College, UK