
CP-2002: Call for Papers

                        Call for Papers

              Eighth International Conference On
       Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming

                     September 7 - 13, 2002
                         Ithaca, NY, USA


CP-2002 will be held at Cornell University in Ithaca. In addition to
the Technical programme, we are pleased to continue the Innovative
Applications programme and the Doctoral programme. CP-2002 will also
include a number of workshops. 


  April 26:          Deadline for submissions
  June 17:           Notifications
  July 1:            Camera-ready copy
  September 7 - 13:  Conference
These are strict deadlines. Papers arriving later than April 26 will
not be reviewed. Camera-ready copies arriving later than July 1st will
not be included in the proceedings.                             


   The technical programme is concerned with all aspects of computing
with constraints including: algorithms, applications, environments,
languages, models and systems.

   Papers are solicited from any of the disciplines concerned with
constraints, including: artificial intelligence, combinatorial
algorithms, computational logic, concurrent computation, databases,
discrete mathematics, engineering, operations research, programming
languages, symbolic computation.

   Papers may concern any of the domains using constraints, including:

combinatorial auctions, computational linguistics, configuration,
decision support, design, diagnosis, graphics, hardware verification,
molecular biology, planning, program analysis, qualitative reasoning,
real-time systems, resource allocation, robotics, satisfiability,
scheduling, software engineering, temporal reasoning, type inference,
vision, visualization, user interfaces.

   We especially welcome papers discussing novel reasoning and search
methods, presenting original applications of constraint programming,
building bridges between constraint programming and other areas, or
providing fundamental theoretical insights in explaining the success
or failure of existing methods.


   Innovative Applications is a programme under the CP-2002 Conference.
The Innovative Applications track is a forum for practitioners and end 
users of constraint technology, and an interface between them and 
researchers in constraints. 

   The purpose of this programme is to report successful applications of
constraint technology, so as to attract potential users and researchers
to this technology. Papers submitted to this track will mainly be judged
by the success of applications reported. Authors may withhold confidential
technical details if preferred. 

   We welcome submissions in, but not limited to, the following topics: 

   *  surveys of an application area, including problems to which constraint
      programming may be applied, experience in applying constraint
      programming  and areas where further research is required to meet
      industrial needs;
   *  software engineering aspects of constraint programming, including
       modeling, debugging, verification and solving ill-defined

   *  solutions of constraint problems using multiple solving techniques, 
      including cooperative algorithms, hybrid solver configurations,
      and embedding constraint techniques in logic programming; 
   *  the evaluation and comparison of approaches, including operational
      research vs. constraint programming, and stochastic vs. complete
      search techniques.

   More details about the Innovative Applications programme can be found at


   A special programme for PhD students will be held alongside the conference.
Students will be able to present their work and receive feedback from more
senior members of the community. In addition, there will be tutorials about
research skills and career issues. We hope to be able to announce details
about financial support for participation in the doctoral programme in the
near future.

   More details about the doctoral programme can be found at


   CP-2002 workshops will provide an informal setting where workshop
participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific technical
topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange of ideas.
Workshops are an opportunity to disseminate work in progress or
to promote new and emerging areas within the field of constraints. The
topics of the workshops can cover any area related to constraints and
any related cross-disciplinary areas. 

  More details about the workshop programme can be found at


    Important Dates

    April 26:          Deadline for submissions
    June 17:           Notifications
    July 1:            Camera-ready copy
    September 7 - 13:  Conference

These are strict deadlines. Papers arriving later than April 26 will
not be reviewed. Camera-ready copies arriving later than July 1st will
not be included in the proceedings.

Papers submitted to the Technical and Innovative Applications
programmes must be original and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Full length papers can be up to 15 proceedings pages, and
poster papers can be up to 5 pages. The submission deadline is April
26, 2002.  Details about how to submit papers electronically will be
posted. The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.                  


General Chair                                       Program Chair

Carla Gomes                                         Pascal Van Hentenryck          
Department of Computer Science                      Department of Computer Science
Cornell University                                  Brown University
Ithaca, NY 14853                                    P.O. Box 1910
USA                                                 Providence, RI 02912
Email: gomes@cs.cornell.edu                         USA
Tel: +1 (607)-255-9189                              Email: pvh@cs.brown.edu
Fax: +1 (607)-255-4428                              Tel: +1 (401)-863-7634
                                                    Fax: +1 (401)-863-7657

Chair of Innovative Applications Programme          Chair of Doctoral Programme

Helmut Simonis                                      Francesca Rossi
Parc Technologies Ltd                               University of Padova
8th Floor, The Tower Building                       Department of Mathematics
11 York Road                                        Via Belzoni 7
London SE1 7NX                                      35131 Padova
United Kingdom                                      Italy
Email: Helmut.Simonis@parc-technologies.com         Email: frossi@math.unipd.it
Tel: +44 (0)20-7594-8463                            Tel: +39 (049) 827 5982
Fax: +44 (0)20-7261-4001                            Fax: +39 (049) 875 8596

Workshop Chair                                      Publicity Chair

Peter van Beek                                      Ramon Bejar
Department of Computer Science                      Intelligent Information Systems Institute
University of Waterloo                              Cornell University
Waterloo, Ontario                                   Ithaca, NY 14853
Canada N2L 3G1                                      USA
Email: vanbeek@uwaterloo.ca                         Email: bejar@cs.cornell.edu
Tel: (519) 888-4567, x5344                          Tel: +1 (607) 255-4188
Fax: (519) 885-1208                                 Fax: +1 (607) 255-4428

Local Arrangements

Beth Howard
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Email: bhoward@cs.cornell.edu
Tel: +1 (607) 255-4188
Fax: +1 (607) 255-4428


Slim Abdennadher, University of Munich           Pedro Meseguer, IIIA-CSIC
Fahiem Bacchus, University of Toronto            George Nemhauser, Georgia Tech.     
Pedro Barahona, Universidade Nova de Lisboa      Barry O'Sullivan, University College Cork
Nicolas Beldiceanu, SICS                         Gilles Pesant, University of Montreal
Frederic Benhamou, University of Nantes          Jochen Renz, Vienna University of Technology
Alexander Bockmayr, LORIA                        Francesca Rossi, University of Padova
Mats Carlsson, SICS                              Michel Rueher, University of Nice
Philippe Codognet, LIP 6 & INRIA                 Christian Schulte, Saarland University
Hubert Comon, ENS                                Bart Selman, Cornell University
Maria Garcia de la Banda, Monash University      Pascal Van Hentenryck, Brown University
Ian Gent, University of St. Andrews              Moshe Vardi, Rice University
Hector Geffner, Universitat Pompeu Fabra         Gerard Verfaillie, CERT
Carla Gomes, Cornell University                  Mark Wallace, IC-PARC
Martin Henz, National University of Singapore    Joachim Walser, I2 Technologies
John Hooker, CMU                                 Brian Williams, MIT
Richard Korf, UCLA                               Makoto Yokoo, NTT