
2nd CfP: Categorical Methods for Concurrency, Interaction, and Mobility

                             Workshop on


                 Brno, Czech Republic, 24 August 2002

                      affiliated with CONCUR 2002

                         Second Call for Papers

Aims and Scope:

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers applying
category theory to concurrency, interaction, or mobility.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  categorical algebras of processes
  categorical methods in game semantics and geometry of interaction
  categorical models of term/graph rewriting or rewriting logic
  Chu spaces 
  coalgebras, bialgebras, coinduction
  comparing models of concurrency
  enriched categories of processes
  interaction categories
  presheaf models

Programme Committee:

  Samson Abramsky (Oxford)
  Thomas Hildebrandt (Copenhagen)
  Alexander Kurz (Amsterdam)
  Ugo Montanari (Pisa)
  Prakash Panangaden (Montreal)
  Horst Reichel (Dresden)
  Jiri Rosicky (Brno)
  Bob Walters (Como)

Important dates:

  Deadline for submission:      May 24, 2002
  Notification of acceptance:   July 5, 2002
  Final version due:            July 25, 2002 
  Workshop:                     August 24, 2002 			


The workshop will be held in Brno in August 2002. It is a satellite
workshop of CONCUR 2002. For venue and registration see the CONCUR
web page at http://www.fi.muni.cz/concur2002/


It is planned to publish the proceedings of the meeting as a volume in
Elsevier's ENTCS series. Papers must contain original contributions,
be clearly written, and include appropriate reference to and
comparison with related work. Papers should be submitted as PostScript
files by email to kurz@cwi.nl, containing `CMCIM-submission' in the
subject. A separate message should also be sent (subject:
CMCIM-abstract), containing authors, title, a text-only abstract, as
well as mailing addresses (both postal and electronic) of the
corresponding author.

Workshop organizer:

  Alexander Kurz
  CWI, P.O. Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
  email: kurz@cwi.nl

Further information at http://www.cwi.nl/cmcim or from kurz@cwi.nl
