
Re: failures

Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> [----- The Types Forum, http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/types -----]
> Okay, this didn't work out. Let's try again.
> Are examples out there that show how naive reasoning about languages
> (not individual programs) is a major problem?
>   The canonical example is to combine polymorphic let without
>   restrictions with naive generalizations for references, exceptions,
>   continuations, and channels.
> Any other examples than the one above? One is a random hit, two is
> a coincidence, three makes a pattern. -- Matthias

A cousin example is type isomorphism.  How far can we go in the idea
that a function of type A->B->C can be a match for a function of type
B->A->C?  A semantic notion of type isomorphism helps.

Ok, this is very close to the first example; it may count for only a
half hit.

Olivier Ridoux

Docendo discimus