
ETAPS 2003 - call for participation

       ***                                                    ***
       ***                     ETAPS 2003                     ***
       ***         Warsaw, Poland, April, 5-13, 2003          *** 
       ***                                                    ***
       ***              CALL FOR PARTICIPATION                ***     
       ***                                                    ***
       ***               !!!! REGISTER NOW !!!!               ***
       ***                                                    ***
       ***           http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/etaps03/         ***
       ***                                                    ***
       ***                                                    ***   
       ***                  Important Dates                   ***  
       ***                                                    ***   
       ***     January 31 - Grant Application Deadline        ***   
       ***     February 5 - Discount Registration Deadline    ***
       ***        March 3 - Early Registration Deadline       ***
       ***       March 31 - End of Online Registration        ***  
       ***                                                    ***  
       ***               April 5-13  - ETAPS 03               ***  
       ***                                                    ***   

            5 Conferences - 15 Workshops - 7 Tutorials 

The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working
on topics related to Software Science. It is a confederation of five main 
conferences, a number of satellite workshops and other events.

CC 2003: International Conference on Compiler Construction
Chair: Gorel Hedin (Lund, Sweden), gorel@cs.lth.se 

ESOP 2003, European Symposium on Programming
Chair: Pierpaolo Degano (Pisa, Italy), degano@di.unipi.it

FASE 2003, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Chair: Mauro Pezz`e (Italy), pezze@disco.unimib.it 

FOSSACS 2003 Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
Chair: Andrew Gordon (Microsoft Research, UK), adg@microsoft.com 

TACAS 2003, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
Co-Chairs: Hubert Garavel (INRIA, France), Hubert.Garavel@inria.fr
           John Hatcliff (Kansas State, USA), hatcliff@cis.ksu.edu 

Invited Speakers:
Samson Abramsky, Oxford University, UK
Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
Peter Lee, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Xavier Leroy, INRIA and Trusted Logic, France
Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Barbara Ryder, Rutgers University, USA
Michal Young, Oregon University, USA


SE-WMT     = Structured Programming: The Hard Core of Software Engineering
              (special event to honour Prof. W.M.Turski's 65th birthday)

AVIS       = Automated Verification of Infinite-State Systems
CMCS       = Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science
COCV       = Compiler Optimization Meets Compiler Verification
Feyerabend = Feyerabend - Redefining Computing
FAMAS      = Formal Approaches to Multi-Agent Systems
FICS       = Fixed Points in Computer Science
LDTA       = Language Description, Tools and Applications
RSKD       = Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery and Soft Computing
SC         = Software Composition
TACoS      = Test and Analysis of Component Based Systems 
USE        = Unanticipated Software Evolution
UniGra     = Uniform Approaches to Graphical Specification Techniques
WITS       = Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security
WOOD       = Workshop on Object-Oriented Developments


 + Foundations of Constraint Programming
 + XML Documents Using Tree Automata
 + Multi-Media Instruction in Safe and Secure Systems
 + Advanced Compilation Techniques for the Itanium Processor Family
 + Formal Development of Critical Systems with UML
 + An Inside Look at Rotor, Microsoft's "Shared Source" Implementation 
   of the Common Language Infrastructure 
 + Theory and Practice of Co-Verification Process: UniTesk Story

       ***                                                    ***
       ***     More information and registration form at      ***
       ***                                                    ***
       ***             www.mimuw.edu.pl/etaps03               ***
       ***                                                    ***
       ***              !!!! REGISTER NOW !!!!                ***    
       ***                                                    ***

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