
Best GPCE'03 Papers Will Be Recommended for ACM TOPLAS or ACM TOSEM

The Organizing Committee of the 2003 International Conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'03) is proud to
announce agreements with ACM TOPLAS and ACM TOSEM to invite a
selection of best GPCE'03 conference papers for submission to a
fast-track review process in one of these journals.  The paper
submission deadline for GPCE'03 is April 6, 2003.  Please see
http://gpce.org/GPCE03/ for submission details.  (Please note that the
submission format has been changed from ACM to LNCS style.)

The topic list of GPCE'03 includes but is not limited to the following:
* Generative Programming: Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation,
   multi-stage and multi-level languages,
* Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and explicit
   substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, program transformation
* Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis
   from specifications, development methods, generation of non-code
   artefacts, formal methods, reflection.
* Product Lines and architectures
* Industrial Applications
* Component-Based Software Engineering: Reuse, distributed platforms,
   distributed systems, evolution, analysis and design patterns,
   development methods, formal methods
* Integration of Generative and Component-Based Approaches
* Domain Engineering, analysis, and languages, domain-specific
* Separation of Concerns: Aspect-Oriented Programming,
   Intentional Programming, and Multi-Dimensional Separation of
* Model-driven architecture