
Type theory vs floating-point arithmetic

I'm looking for pointers to attempts to reconcile the differences between
type theories and the data types and functions defined by the IEEE 754
floating-point standard.

For example, IEEE 754 defines equality over floating point numbers in a way
that conflicts with Leibniz equality.  There exist two IEEE "zeros", -0 and
+0, and the standard requires that they compare as if they are as equal,
though there exist functions that distinguish between them.  Additionally,
IEEE defines a class of "not-a-number" values x such that x=x is deemed

This would seem to require that a language either expose two equality
operators (a natively-supplied Leibniz equality operator, and a "IEEE 754
numerical equality" operator which differs at some values), or that the
language disobey the floating-point standard with regard to equality.  Java
takes the later route, while C/C++ and the Haskell report appears to be
silent on the issue.

There is a further problem regarding subtyping.  It might first appear that
the type of 32-bit floating point values is a subtype of the type of 64-bit
floating point values.  Though one can losslessly convert from 32-bit to
64-bit and back, performing a 32-bit arithmetic operation on such 32-bit
numbers can produce a different result than performing a 64-bit arithmetic
operation on their 64-bit extensions, and then converting back.  So from a
type theoretic point of view, the types of 32-bit and 64-bit floating point
numbers must be disjoint.

Finally, IEEE 754 mandates that a compliant computer architecture and
language pair expose a mechanism for reading and writing a set of "sticky
flags" which indicate whether any imprecise, overflowed, or invalid
operations have been encountered since the flags were last reset; and a set
of "rounding modes" affecting subsequent operations.  These concepts seem
incompatible with referential transparency and lazy evaluation.