Library Psets

Require Import List.
Require Import Atoms.
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Permutations.

A PsetT record is the evidence that we can define permutations over a type X. Both perm_id and perm_compose are standard axioms of group actions (in this case, of permutations acting on X).
Record PsetT (A : AtomT) (X : Set) : Set := mkPset {
  perm : permt A -> X -> X;

  perm_id : forall x, perm [] x = x;

  perm_compose :
    forall p q x, perm (p :++ q) x = perm p (perm q x)

Implicit Arguments mkPset [A X].
Implicit Arguments perm [A X].
Implicit Arguments perm_id [A X].
Implicit Arguments perm_compose [A X].

Hint Resolve perm_id perm_compose : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_id perm_compose : nominal.

Basic properties about psets

Section BasicPsetTheorems.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variable X : Set.
   Variable P : PsetT A X.

  Lemma perm_eq : forall p q x, p = q -> perm P p x = perm P q x.

   Hint Resolve perm_eq : nominal.

  Lemma perm_inv : forall p x, perm P (-p) (perm P p x) = x.

  Lemma perm_inv' : forall p x, perm P (p) (perm P (-p) x) = x.

  Lemma perm_injective :
    forall p x y, perm P p x = perm P p y -> x = y.

  Lemma perm_swap_same :
    forall a x, perm P [(a, a)] x = x.

  Lemma perm_swap_invol :
    forall ab x, perm P [ab] (perm P [ab] x) = x.

  Lemma perm_swap_move :
    forall ab x y, x = perm P [ab] y -> perm P [ab] x = y.

  Lemma perm_swap_move' :
    forall ab x y, perm P [ab] x = y -> x = perm P [ab] y.

  Lemma perm_swap_switch :
    forall a b x, perm P [(a, b)] x = perm P [(b, a)] x.

End BasicPsetTheorems.

Hint Resolve perm_inv perm_inv' : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_inv perm_inv' : nominal.
Hint Immediate perm_injective : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_swap_same perm_swap_invol : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_swap_same perm_swap_invol : nominal.
Hint Immediate perm_swap_move perm_swap_move' : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_swap_switch : nominal.


We define what it means for a finite set of atoms to support an element of a pset.
Section Support.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variable X : Set.
   Variable P : PsetT A X.

  Definition supports (F : aset A) (x : X) :=
    forall a b, ~ In a F -> ~ In b F -> perm P [(a, b)] x = x.

  Lemma swap_non_supports :
    forall F x a b, supports F x -> ~ In a F -> ~ In b F ->
    perm P [(a, b)] x = x.

  Lemma Subset_supports :
    forall (E F : aset A) (x : X),
    supports E x -> Subset E F -> supports F x.

  Lemma intersection_supports :
    forall (E F : aset A) (x : X),
    supports E x -> supports F x -> supports (intersection E F) x.

End Support.

Implicit Arguments supports [A X].
Implicit Arguments swap_non_supports [A X].

Hint Resolve swap_non_supports : nominal.
Hint Resolve Subset_supports intersection_supports : nominal.

Identity permutation

Section IdPermutations.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variable X : Set.

  Definition mkIdPset : PsetT A X :=
    mkPset (fun _ x => x) (fun _ => refl_equal _) (fun _ _ _ => refl_equal _).

End IdPermutations.

Permutations on atoms

Section AtomPermutations.
   Variable A : AtomT.

  Definition mkAtomPset :=
    mkPset (@perma A) (perma_id A) (perma_compose A).

  Lemma supports_atom :
    forall a : A, supports mkAtomPset (singleton a) a.

  Lemma perm_atom : forall p a, perm mkAtomPset p a = p @ a.

End AtomPermutations.

Implicit Arguments perm_atom [A].

Hint Resolve supports_atom : nominal.

Permutations on pairs

Section PairPermutations.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variables X Y : Set.
   Variables (XP : PsetT A X) (YP : PsetT A Y).

  Definition perm_on_pair (p : permt A) (xy : X * Y) :=
    let (x, y) := xy in (perm XP p x, perm YP p y).

  Definition mkPairPset : PsetT A (X * Y).

  Lemma perm_pair :
    forall p x y, perm mkPairPset p (x, y) = (perm XP p x, perm YP p y).

  Lemma supports_pair :
    forall x y F G,
    supports XP F x ->
    supports YP G y ->
    supports mkPairPset (union F G) (x, y).

End PairPermutations.

Implicit Arguments mkPairPset [A X Y].

Notation "X ^* Y" := (mkPairPset X Y) (at level 50, left associativity).

Hint Resolve perm_pair supports_pair : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_pair : nominal.

Permutations on lists

Section ListPermutations.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variable X : Set.
   Variable P : PsetT A X.

  Fixpoint perm_on_list (p : permt A) (xs : list X) {struct xs} : list X :=
    match xs with
      | nil => nil
      | y :: ys => (perm P p y) :: (perm_on_list p ys)

  Definition mkListPset : PsetT A (list X).

  Lemma perm_list_nil : forall p, perm mkListPset p nil = nil.

  Lemma perm_list_cons :
    forall p x xs,
    perm mkListPset p (x :: xs) = perm P p x :: perm mkListPset p xs.

  Lemma perm_list_In :
    forall xs x p,
    List.In x xs -> List.In (perm P p x) (perm mkListPset p xs).

  Lemma perm_list_In' :
    forall xs x p,
    List.In (perm P p x) (perm mkListPset p xs) -> List.In x xs.

  Lemma perm_list_not_In :
    forall xs x p,
    ~ List.In x xs -> ~ List.In (perm P p x) (perm mkListPset p xs).

  Lemma perm_list_not_In' :
    forall xs x p,
    ~ List.In (perm P p x) (perm mkListPset p xs) -> ~ List.In x xs.

  Lemma supports_list_nil : supports mkListPset empty nil.

  Lemma supports_list_cons :
    forall F G x xs, supports P F x -> supports mkListPset G xs ->
    supports mkListPset (union F G) (x :: xs).

End ListPermutations.

Implicit Arguments mkListPset [A X].

Hint Resolve perm_list_nil perm_list_cons : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_list_nil perm_list_cons : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_list_In perm_list_In' : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_list_not_In perm_list_not_In' : nominal.
Hint Resolve supports_list_nil supports_list_cons : nominal.

Permutations on finite sets

Section FiniteSetPermutations.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variable X : Set.
   Variable E : ExtFset X.
   Variable P : PsetT A X.

  Definition perm_on_extFset (p : permt A) (F : extFset E) :=
    map (fun x => perm P p x) F.

  Lemma perm_on_extFset_In_raw :
    forall x F p, In x F -> In (perm P p x) (perm_on_extFset p F).

   Hint Resolve perm_on_extFset_In_raw : nominal.

  Definition mkExtFsetPset : PsetT A (extFset E).

  Lemma perm_extFset_In :
    forall x F p, In x F -> In (perm P p x) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F).

  Lemma perm_extFset_In' :
    forall x F p, In (perm P p x) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F) -> In x F.

  Lemma perm_extFset_neg_In :
    forall x F p, ~ In x F -> ~ In (perm P p x) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F).

  Lemma perm_extFset_neg_In' :
    forall x F p, ~ In (perm P p x) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F) -> ~ In x F.

  Lemma perm_extFset_empty : forall p, perm mkExtFsetPset p empty = empty.

  Lemma perm_extFset_add :
    forall x F p,
    perm mkExtFsetPset p (add x F) = add (perm P p x) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F).

  Lemma perm_extFset_singleton :
    forall x p,
    perm mkExtFsetPset p (singleton x) = singleton (perm P p x).

  Lemma perm_extFset_union :
    forall p G F,
    perm mkExtFsetPset p (union G F) =
    union (perm mkExtFsetPset p G) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F).

  Lemma perm_extFset_diff :
    forall p G F,
    perm mkExtFsetPset p (diff G F) =
    diff (perm mkExtFsetPset p G) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F).

  Lemma perm_extFset_remove :
    forall p x F,
    perm mkExtFsetPset p (remove x F) =
    remove (perm P p x) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F).

  Lemma perm_extFset_Subset :
    forall p G F, Subset G F ->
    Subset (perm mkExtFsetPset p G) (perm mkExtFsetPset p F).

  Lemma swap_not_in_set :
    forall (a c d : A) (F : aset A),
    ~ In a F -> ~ In c F -> ~ In d F -> ~ In ([(c,d)] @ a) F.

  Lemma swap_not_in_set' :
    forall (a c d : A) (F : aset A),
    ~ In a F -> ~ In c F -> ~ In d F -> ~ In (perm (mkAtomPset A) [(c,d)] a) F.

End FiniteSetPermutations.

Implicit Arguments mkExtFsetPset [A X].
Implicit Arguments perm_extFset_In [A X E x F].
Implicit Arguments perm_extFset_In' [A X E x F].
Implicit Arguments perm_extFset_neg_In [A X E x F].
Implicit Arguments perm_extFset_neg_In' [A X E x F].

Hint Resolve perm_extFset_In : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_extFset_neg_In : nominal.
Hint Immediate perm_extFset_In' : nominal.
Hint Immediate perm_extFset_neg_In' : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_extFset_empty perm_extFset_add : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_extFset_empty perm_extFset_add : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_extFset_singleton perm_extFset_union : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_extFset_singleton perm_extFset_union : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_extFset_diff perm_extFset_remove : nominal.
Hint Rewrite perm_extFset_diff perm_extFset_remove : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_extFset_Subset : nominal.
Hint Resolve swap_not_in_set swap_not_in_set' : nominal.

Freshness as a predicate

Section Fresh.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variable X : Set.
   Variable P : PsetT A X.

  Lemma perm_supports :
    forall F x p,
    supports P F x ->
    supports P (perm (mkExtFsetPset (asetR A) (mkAtomPset A)) p F) (perm P p x).

  Lemma perm_supports' :
    forall F x p,
    supports P (perm (mkExtFsetPset (asetR A) (mkAtomPset A)) p F) (perm P p x) ->
    supports P F x.

  Definition freshP (a : A) (x : X) :=
    exists F : aset A, ~ In a F /\ supports P F x.

  Lemma freshP_from_supports :
    forall a x F, ~ In a F -> supports P F x -> freshP a x.

  Lemma perm_freshP :
    forall a x p, freshP a x -> freshP (perm (mkAtomPset A) p a) (perm P p x).

  Lemma perm_freshP' :
    forall a x p, freshP (perm (mkAtomPset A) p a) (perm P p x) -> freshP a x.

  Lemma swap_freshP_atoms :
    forall a b x, freshP a x -> freshP b x -> perm P [(a,b)] x = x.

End Fresh.

Implicit Arguments freshP [A X].

Hint Resolve perm_supports : nominal.
Hint Immediate perm_supports' : nominal.
Hint Resolve perm_freshP : nominal.
Hint Immediate perm_freshP' : nominal.

Section FreshFacts.
   Variable A : AtomT.

  Lemma freshP_atom :
    forall a b, a <> b -> freshP (mkAtomPset A) a b.

End FreshFacts.

Hint Resolve freshP_from_supports : nominal.
Hint Resolve freshP_atom : nominal.

Permutations on functions

Section FunctionPermutations.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variables X Y : Set.
   Variables (XP : PsetT A X) (YP : PsetT A Y).

  Definition perm_on_fun (p : permt A) (f : X -> Y) :=
    fun x => perm YP p (f (perm XP (-p) x)).

  Definition mkFunPset : PsetT A (X -> Y).

  Lemma perm_fun :
    forall f p, perm mkFunPset p f = fun x => perm YP p (f (perm XP (-p) x)).

  Lemma perm_app :
    forall f x p, perm YP p (f x) = (perm mkFunPset p f) (perm XP p x).

  Lemma supports_fun :
    forall (F : aset A) (f : X -> Y),
    (forall a b x, ~ In a F -> ~ In b F ->
      perm YP [(a, b)] (f x) = f (perm XP [(a, b)] x)) ->
    supports mkFunPset F f.

  Lemma supports_application :
    forall f x F G,
    supports mkFunPset F f ->
    supports XP G x ->
    supports YP (union F G) (f x).

  Lemma freshP_application :
    forall f x a, freshP mkFunPset a f -> freshP XP a x -> freshP YP a (f x).

End FunctionPermutations.

Implicit Arguments mkFunPset [A X Y].

Notation "X ^-> Y" := (mkFunPset X Y) (at level 90, right associativity).

Hint Resolve perm_fun perm_app : nominal.
Hint Resolve supports_fun : nominal.
Hint Resolve supports_application freshP_application : nominal.

Section FunctionPermutationFacts.
   Variable A : AtomT.
   Variables X Y : Set.
   Variables (XP : PsetT A X) (YP : PsetT A Y).

  Theorem function_constancy_v1 :
    forall (F : aset A) (f : A -> X),
    supports (mkAtomPset A ^-> XP) F f ->
      forall (a : A), ~ In a F -> freshP XP a (f a) ->
      forall (b : A), ~ In b F -> f a = f b.

  Theorem function_constancy_v2 :
    forall (F : aset A) (f : A -> X),
    supports (mkAtomPset A ^-> XP) F f ->
    (exists a : A, ~ In a F /\ freshP XP a (f a)) ->
    forall a b : A, ~ In a F -> ~ In b F -> f a = f b.

End FunctionPermutationFacts.

Hint Immediate function_constancy_v1 function_constancy_v2 : nominal.

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