
Types Forum

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]

On Monday, some subscribers to the Types Forum received resends of
three old messages.

  02/20 Eugenio Moggi      Associate Professor Positions
  02/15 Matthew Hennessy   Research Position
  02/19 Morten Heine S|re  Re: On Weak and Strong Normalizations

These appear to have come from

  Valentinas Kriauciukas <valius@Julius.ktl.mii.lt>

I have written to Kriauciukas requesting an explanation, but
not had a response.

My apologies for the confusion.  The difficulty arises because the
Types Forum depends on a mail system that is fragile.  I look forward
to the days of secure and encrypted mailers!  In the meantime, please
remember to use the correct addresses.

  types@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk -- messages for distribution
  types-request@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk -- to subscribe or unsubscribe

I also take this opportunity to redestribute the Types Forum
policy, copied below.  -- P

Professor Philip Wadler                        wadler@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk
Department of Computing Science    http://www.dcs.glasgow.ac.uk/~wadler
University of Glasgow                          office: +44 141 330 4966
Glasgow G12 8QQ                                   fax: +44 141 330 4913
SCOTLAND                                         home: +44 141 357 0782
       ``There may, indeed, be other applications of the system
	    than its use as a logic.''  -- A. Church, 1932


TYPES is a moderated e-mail forum focusing on Type Theory in Computer
Science, with a broad view of the subject encompassing semantical,
categorical, operational, and proof theoretical topics.  Typical
topics include:

	Typed, untyped, or polymorphic lambda calculus; type checking,
	inference, and reconstruction; dependent types, calculus of
	constructions, the lambda cube; linear logic, the Curry-Howard
	correspondence; recursive types; adequate and fully abstract
	models; domain theory; category theory; term reduction, strong
	normalization, confluence; abstract data types, type systems
	for object-oriented programming.

Comments and criticisms of results in the literature, open problems,
and research queries are encouraged.  Announcements of relevant
meetings, publications, and abstracts of papers are also welcome.

Please send submissions to <types@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk>, and requests to
subscribe or unsubscribe to <types-request@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk>.

Please include an informative subject line with your message.  To
announce a paper, the subject line should state the subject of the
paper rather than `New paper'.

Conference announcements of a general nature should not be sent to the
Types Forum.  The usual criterion for deciding relevance is that the
announcement should mention one or more subjects in the list above.
General announcements might be sent to, or read from, the following.

The Fraunhofer Institute's conference announcements index
covers a variety of topics, including computer science,
with subsections on logic and programming languages.
It is located at <http://www.iao.fhg.de/Library/conferences>.

Theory-A is the Theory Net events list.  Send announcements or
requests to subscribe to <theory-a@vm1.nodak.edu>.

The Type Forum was originated by Albert Meyer and is currently
moderated by Philip Wadler.  It incorporates the Linear Logic mailing
list, moderated by Patrick Lincoln.

Happy typing!  -- Philip Wadler, moderator, Types Forum

[------ The Types Forum ------- http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~types ------]