

			     Call for Papers

			 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
 Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '99)
		 San Antonio, Texas, January 22-23, 1999

	    Submission deadline: Friday 9th of October, 1998.

The PEPM'99 workshop will bring together researchers working in the areas
of semantics-based program manipulation and partial evaluation.  The
workshop focuses on techniques and supporting theory for the analysis and
manipulation of programs.  Technical topics include, but are not limited

   * Program manipulation techniques: program transformation, program
     specialization, type specialization, syntax-directed partial
     evaluation, type-directed partial evaluation, normalization,
     continuations, reflection, rewriting, run-time code generation.
   * Program analysis techniques: abstract interpretation, static analysis,
     binding-time analysis, attribute grammars, constraints.
   * Related issues in language design and models of computation:
     imperative, functional, logical, object-oriented, parallel,
     distributed, mobile, secure.
   * Programs as data objects: staging, meta-programming, incremental
     computation, mobility, tools and techniques, prototyping and debugging.
   * Applications: systems programming, scientific computing, algorithmics,
     graphics, security checking, simulation, compiler generation,
     compiler optimization, decompilation.

Original results that bear on these and related topics are solicited.
Prospective authors should submit papers directly to pepm99@brics.dk to
arrive no later than October 9, 1998.  Authors concerned about the
appropriateness of a topic are encouraged to consult with the program
chair prior to submission.

Papers should be submitted electronically, either in PostScript or as a
self-contained TeX or LaTeX file.  (If this is a problem, please contact
the program chair.)  The PostScript file should be gzip'ed and uuencoded.
Its name should result from the catenation of the names of its authors
(ie, *not* "paper.ps", etc., but, eg, "dupond-dupont.ps.gz",
"brown-al.ps.gz", or "pedersen.ps.gz").  Within reason, submissions
should not exceed 5000 words (about 10 pages), excluding bibliography and
figures.  Final papers may of course be longer.  Excessively long
submissions may be rejected outright by the program chair.  Submissions
should designate a corresponding author and include a mailing address,
phone number, and e-mail address for correspondence.

Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance,
correctness, originality, and clarity.  They should include a clear
identification of what has been accomplished and why it is significant.
Submissions must include an abstract and discussion of related work.
They also must describe work that has not previously been published in a
major forum.  Authors should indicate if a closely related paper is also
being considered for another conference or journal.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by November 23, 1998.  Full
versions of the accepted papers should be formatted according to ACM
conventions, and a camera-ready copy must be received by the program
chair no later than January 5, 1999.  Accepted papers will be presented
at the workshop and will appear in the proceedings, which will be
published by BRICS.  Further information about the workshop is available
in its home page.

  Olivier Danvy, BRICS, University of Aarhus, Denmark
  E-mail: danvy@brics.dk

Program Committee:
  Kenichi Asai, University of Tokyo, Japan
  Mike Ashley, University of Kansas, USA
  Anindya Banerjee, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, USA.
  Mayer Goldberg, Ben Gurion University, Israel
  Nevin Heintze, Bell Labs, USA
  Morry Katz, Stanford University, USA
  Michael Leuschel, University of Southampton, UK
  Jacques Malenfant, Laboratoire VALORIA, Universite de Bretagne Sud, France
  Renaud Marlet, IRISA / INRIA, France
  Kristoffer Rose, ENS-Lyon, France
  Peter Sestoft, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark

PEPM'99 is held in conjunction with POPL'99.
