Recognizing Faculty Distinction
A scholarly professorship, or named faculty position, is one of the highest honors a faculty member can receive from an academic institution. Such an appointment increases a faculty member’s distinction and validates the individual’s work, elevating their influence at Penn and beyond. In Fiscal Year 2024, Penn Engineering appointed the inaugural recipients of three recently established scholarly professorships in addition to the full list below.
Pictured to the far left is Cherie Kagan, Stephen J. Angello Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Chemistry, and Materials Science and Engineering (MSE); and Chris Murray (second from right), Richard Perry University Professor, Chemistry and MSE
Adani President’s Distinguished Professor: Zachary Ives
AMA Family Assistant Professor: Ottman A Tertuliano
Stephen J. Angello Professor: Cherie Kagan
Peter and Susanne Armstrong Distinguished Scholar: Deep Jariwala
Robert D. Bent Professor: Dennis E. Discher
Robert D. Bent Professor of Engineering: Eric Stach
Boileau Professor of Electrical Engineering: André Dehon
Joseph Bordogna Professor: Shu Yang
Jonathan and Linda Brassington Practice Professor: Vanessa Z. Chan
Solomon and Sylvia G. Charp Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering: Alejandro Ribeiro
David L. Cohen University Professor: Kevin B. Johnson
Deans’ Distinguished Scholar in Engineering and Medicine: Jennifer E. Cremins
ENIAC President’s Distinguished Professor: Stephanie Weirich
Alfred G. and Meta A. Ennis Professor: Daniel A. Hammer
Alfred Fitler Moore Professor: Mark Allen
Richard H. & S. L. Gabel Professor of Mechanical Engineering: Haim H. Bau
William K. Gemmill Term Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering: Samantha McBride
Eduardo D. Glandt Distinguished Professor: Dan Roth
Eduardo D. Glandt Distinguished Scholar: Paulo Arratia
Eduardo D. Glandt Presidential Professor: Chinedum Osuji
Eduardo D. Glandt President’s Distinguished Professor: Vivek Shenoy
Eduardo D. Glandt President’s Distinguished Professor: Beth A. Winkelstein
Eduardo D. Glandt Faculty Fellow: Jing (Jane) Li
Richer & Elizabeth Goodwin Professor: Kathleen J. Stebe
Louis Heyman University Professor: Greg Bowman
Howell Family Faculty Fellow: Russell J. Composto
Arthur E. Humphrey Professor: Scott L. Diamond
Aravind K. Joshi Assistant Professor: Lingjie Liu
Richard K. Lubin Professor: Arjun Raj
Magerman Term Assistant Professor: Surbhi Goel
Raymond S. Markowitz President’s Distinguished Professor: Camillo J. Taylor
Raymond S. Markowitz Distinguished Scholar: Pedro Ponte-Castañeda
Misra Family Professor: Mayur Naik
Shalini and Rajeev Misra Presidential Assistant Professor: Nadia Figueroa
Andrea Mitchell University Professor: Robert Ghrist
Alfred Fitler Moore Professor: Mark Allen
Cecilia Fitler Moore Professor: Insup Lee
Nathan Francis Mossell University Professor: Konrad Kording
National Center Professor of Management and Technology: Michael Kearns
Nemirovsky Family Dean: Vijay Kumar
Carl V. S. Patterson Professor: John M. Vohs
Russell Pearce and Elizabeth Crimian Heuer Professor: Daeyeon Lee
Harold Pender Professor: Karen I. Winey
Richard Perry University Professor: Christopher Murray
Solomon R. Pollack Professor: David F. Meaney
Olga and Alberico Pompa Professor: Jonathan M. Smith
Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy: Jennifer Wilcox
Presidential Penn Compact Associate Professor: Xue (Sherry) Gao
Rachleff Family Professor: Tal Rabin
PIK Rachleff University Professor: René Vidal
Srinivasa Ramanujan Distinguished Scholar: Ritesh Agarwal
H. Nedwill Ramsey Professor: Nader Engheta
RCA Professor: Boon Thau Loo
Rosenbluth Associate Professor: Aleksandra Vojvodic
Henry Salvatori Professor: Sampath K. Kannan
Henry Salvatori Professor: Benjamin C. Pierce
Henry Salvatori Professor: Sanjeev Khanna
Henry Salvatori Professor of Computer & Cognitive Science: Aaron Roth
Schlein Family President’s Distinguished Professor: Stephan A. Zdancewic
Herman P. Schwan Department Chair of Bioengineering: Ravi Radhakrishnan
J. Peter Skirkanich Professor: Dani Bassett
Skirkanich Professor of Innovation: I-Wei Chen
J. Peter and Geri Skirkanich Associate Professor of Innovation: Ning Jenny Jiang
J. Peter and Geri Skirkanich Assistant Professor of Innovation: Yihui Shen
Raj and Neera Singh Term Assistant Professor: Sebastian Angel
Raj and Neera Singh Term Assistant Professor: Danaë Metaxa
Stephenson Foundation Term Assistant Professor of Innovation in Bioengineering: Noor Momin
Stevens University Professor: Duncan Watts
Ruth Yalom Stone Professor: Konstantinos Daniilidis
Henry Robinson Towne Professor: Dawn A. Bonnell
John Henry Towne Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics: Kevin Turner
John Henry Towne Professor: Robert W. Carpick
UPS Foundation Professor of Transportation: George Pappas
Weiss Professor: Susan Davidson
George A. Weiss and Lydia Bravo Weiss University Professor: Rakesh Vohra
Asa Whitney Professor of Mechanical Engineering: Mark Yim
Zisman Family Professor: Rajeev Alur