Joey Velez-Ginorio PhD Student, Computer Science

As an undergraduate student I studied computer engineering at the University of Central Florida with a minor in mathematics. I worked with Georgios C. Anagnastopoulos and Guo-Jun Qi on machine learning. I additionally spent time as a visiting student and researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working with Joshua B. Tenenbaum and Julian Jara-Ettinger on computational cognitive science.

As a masters student I studied mathematics and the foundations of computer science at the University of Oxford. I worked with Daniel Kroening and Nada Amin on programming language theory and program synthesis. I also received a masters in brain and cognitive sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working with Nada Amin and Joshua B. Tenenbaum on computational cognitive science.

As a PhD student I study computer science at the University of Pennsylvania where I work on programming language theory and neural networks with Steve Zdancewic and Konrad Körding.

Through my studies I’ve been fortunate to receive several awards and fellowships. These include the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, MIT Presidential Fellowship, Oxford-Frost Scholarship, Goldwater Scholarship, Ronald E. McNair Fellowship, and honorable mentions for the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship.