
School on Logic and Computation

		School in Logic and Computation	
		Heriot-Watt University
		10-13 April 1999

Organized by computer science research centers
	 TUCS (Finland)
	 IPA (Holland)
as part of the European Educational Forum (EEF) series of
summer schools, supported by the European Union.

Grants covering registration and accommodation are available for
eligible Ph.D. students, see below.


Samson Abramsky (Edinburgh, UK):
	Concurrent Games and Full Completeness for Linear Logic
Henk Barendregt (Nijmegen, NL):
	Mission possible: proof-checking
Robert Constable (Cornell, USA):
	Applications of Classes and Types to Practical Verifications 
Dirk van Dalen (Utrecht, NL):
	The Mathematical Universe according to Brouwer
Mariangola Dezani-Ciancaglini (Turin, IT):
	The Lambda Calculus in Different Scenarios
Assaf Kfoury (Boston, USA):
	Some New Developments in Unification Related to Type Theory 
Claude Kirchner (Nancy, FR):
	On Deduction Modulo and Rewriting Calculus
Jan-Willem Klop (Amsterdam, NL):  
	Term Rewriting 
Andrew Pitts (Cambridge, UK): 
	A New Approach to Abstract Syntax Involving Binders
Pawel Urzyczyn (Warsaw, PL): 
	On the Curry-Howard Isomorphism

For a list of abstracts and a more details on the school, refer to:

Lectures are in the mornings.  In the afternoon, there will be
workshops which will have invited speakers and for which we are
soliciting talks of work in progress and of open problems
from both young and established researchers. These workshops are:

Speaker: Herman Geuvers (Eindhoven, NL):
	Inductive and Co-Inductive Types

Speaker: Roy Dyckhoff (St Andrews, UK):
	Proof Search issues in constructive logic

Speaker: Roberto Di Cosmo (Paris, FR):
	Rewriting with extensionality

To submit a talk, post a two page abstract in postscipt by email to
fairouz@cee.hw.ac.uk no later than Friday 5 March.  You will 
receive notification of acceptance/rejection by Monday 15th March. 

Grants cover registration and accommodation, leaving only
travel and some local expenses to be paid.  Grants are restricted to
PhD students aged 35 or younger with nationality in the European Union
or Norway, Israel, Iceland or Liechtenstein.

To apply for a grant, you must post as soon as possible and no later
than Friday 5th March the following:

1. Name, affiliation, address, e-mail address, date of birth and nationality
2. Written evidence that you are a full time student
3. A CV and brief research statement
4. A letter of recommendation from your supervisor (this must be sent directly
   by the supervisor)

You will receive notification of acceptance/rejection by Monday 22nd March.

The registration fee is 150 UK pounds. This covers
lunches, refreshments, social events and a banquet.  Accommodation in
university halls of residence for students and in conference accommodation
for non-students is priced as follows:

1. PhD students pay 10.50 UK pounds per night for a single room (evidence
   of full time student status is required).
2.  Non-students pay 20 UK pounds per night for a single en suite room
    or 25 UK pounds for a single en suite room with breakfast.

To register, send name, affiliation, address, e-mail, dates of
arrival/departure and a cheque in UK pounds drawn on a UK bank to cover the
registration fee and the number of nights of accommodation required.
The cheque should be made payable to Heriot-Watt University and
labelled "School in Logic and Computation".

Post applications for registration and grants to Professor
Fairouz Kamareddine, Attention School in Logic and Computation,
Heriot-Watt University, Computing and Electrical Engineering,
Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland. Fax: +44 131 451 3327.

In order to guarantee accommodation, it is advisable that
your application is sent as soon as possible.

Questions should be sent to fairouz@cee.hw.ac.uk

Fairouz Kamareddine and Don Sannella
URL: http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~fairouz/eefschool.html

and of open problems from both young and established researchers.  These workshops are: <ul> <li> <b> Types in Computation</b> Speaker: <ul> <li> <A HREF = "http://www.win.tue.nl/cs/fm/herman/"> Herman Geuvers </A> <b> (Eindhoven, NL) </b>: <i> Inductive and Co-Inductive Types </i> </ul> <li> <b> Proof Search in Computation</b> Speaker: <ul> <li> <A HREF = "http://www-theory.dcs.st-and.ac.uk:80/~rd/"> Roy Dyckhoff </A> <b> (St Andrews, UK)</b>: <i> Proof Search issues in constructive logic </i> </ul> <li> <b> Rewriting in Computation</b> Speaker: <ul> <li> <A HREF = "http://www.dmi.ens.fr/~dicosmo/.">Roberto Di Cosmo</A> <b>(Paris, FR)</b>: <i> Rewriting with extensionality </i> </ul> </ul> To submit a talk, post a two page abstract in postscipt by email to fairouz@cee.hw.ac.uk no later than Friday 5 March.  You will receive notification of acceptance/rejection by Monday 15th March. 

Grants cover registration and accommodation, leaving only
travel and some local expenses to be paid.  Grants are restricted to
PhD students aged 35 or younger with nationality in the European Union
or Norway, Israel, Iceland or Liechtenstein.
To apply for a grant, you must post as soon as possible and no later
than Friday 5th March the following:
Name, affiliation, address, e-mail address,
date of birth and nationality
Written evidence that you are a full time student
A CV and brief research statement
A letter of recommendation from your supervisor (this must be sent directly
by the supervisor)
You will receive notification of acceptance/rejection by Monday 22nd March.

The registration fee is UK &#163; 150. This covers
lunches, refreshments, social events and a banquet.  Accommodation in
university halls of residence is priced as follows:
<li> PhD students pay UK &#163; 10.50 per night for a single room (evidence
of full time student status is required).
<li> Non-students pay UK &#163;  20 per night for a single en suite room
or UK &#163; 25 for a single en suite room with breakfast.
To register, send name, affiliation, address, e-mail, dates of
arrival/departure and a cheque in UK &#163; drawn on a UK bank to cover the
registration fee and the number of nights of accommodation required.
The cheque should be made payable to Heriot-Watt University and
labelled "School in Logic and Computation".

Post applications for registration and grants to Professor
Fairouz Kamareddine, Attention School in Logic and Computation,
Heriot-Watt University, Computing and Electrical Engineering,
Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland. Fax: +44 131 451 3327.

In order to guarantee accommodation, it is advisable that
your application is sent as soon as possible.

Questions should be sent to <a


<a href="http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~fairouz">Fairouz Kamareddine</a>
and <a href="http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/dts">Don Sannella</a><br>
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URL: http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~fairouz/eefschool.html
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Last modified: Thursday 4 February 1999.
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