Homework Submission#

If your turn-in file names are different from what we specify here, your turn-in will not be graded.


  1. Linked List – The filename has to be linked_list.c, and it should contain the linked list code in Questions.

  2. Array Sum – The filename has to be array_sum.c, and it should contain the array_sum code in Questions.

Please upload a YOUR_PENNID.tgz that contains linked_list.c and array_sum.c to the diagnostic assessment assignment in canvas. If your Penn ID is dopark, then it should be dopark.tgz. For those who do are in the waitlist, please send YOUR_PENNID.tgz to dopark@seas.upenn.edu with the email titled with “ESE5320 Diagnostic”. TA will send the reply once the email is received.