3. Homework Submission


Make sure to stop your Amazon instances! We only have $150 of credits and we need it to last through Homework 7. You may need to take a long break during a homework, or you might take longer to read about something on google/stackoverflow; remember to stop your instance and restart it when you are ready to continue.

Your writeup should follow the writeup guidelines. Your writeup should include your answers to the following questions:

  1. Setup

    • We have updated the platform to have contiguous memory support. Please remove the platform you downloaded in the hello world section and download the platform again from the following links:

    • Extract the platform to a desired location.

    • Set the PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS to the extracted directory. For instance:

      export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=~/ese532_hw6_pfm
    • Get the source code from the ese532_code repository by pulling in the latest changes using:

      cd ese532_code/
      git pull origin master

      The code you will use for this section is in the hw6 directory. The directory structure looks like this:

    • cd into hw6/apps/mmult/ directory.

    • Use make cpu to build the cpu baseline and run with ./mmult_cpu.

    • Use make fpga -j4 to start the Vitis build. This will take about 20-30 minutes and generate the xclbin. Note that we used -j4 to build with 4 cpus. If you have more cpus, you can increase this number. -j16 is usually the maximum parallel jobs Vitis can handle.

    • Use make host to build the OpenCL host code. This produces the package folder.

    • Copy the files from package folder to the Ultra96, reboot and run on the fpga.

    • Use make clean to clean all the generated files.


      If you do make clean, you will lose all the files and the compilation will start from the beginning. You can incrementally build and clean as mentioned in the walk-through.

  2. Accelerator Interface

    In this question, we will analyze how the processor core communicates with an accelerator. We tell you some specific things to experiment with, but you should do some reading from:

    The following resources can be helpful for programming HLS and OpenCL host code:

    Note that we are running on Linux. If you want to gain a deeper understanding of what’s going on under the hood and how the zocl driver supplied by Xilinx Runtime (XRT) manages DMA, refer to the following resources:

    1. Build and run the cpu version of Matrix Multiplication by doing make cpu. Report the latency.

    2. Build and run the initial FPGA version by doing make fpga && make host. This build will take about 30 minutes. To run the code, open two terminals - one that is connected to the serial console and the other where you ssh’d into the Ultra96. Run the code from the ssh’d terminal to see only the output of the code. After you ran the code, look into the serial console terminal. You will see some useful information, such as bitstream being loaded, whether pointers are aligned etc. Report the latency of the initial FPGA version. Give at least two reasons based on the console outputs, why you think the initial FPGA implementation has a higher latency than the software version.

    3. You will now allocate contiguous host memories. Learn about how to do that from here and modify the Host.cpp code. Only build the host code by doing make host and copy it into the Ultra96 and run your modified code. Report the new latency.

    4. Copy in the xrt.ini file into the Ultra96 and run the FPGA code again to get the Vitis Analyzer files. Copy the Vitis Analyzer files to your computer and open it with Vitis Analyzer. Zoom in at the beginning and provide a screenshot. Learn about the different metrics and your design topology by looking at the tabs on the left. Based on the analyzer, suggest at least two ways of improving the performance of the FPGA code.

    5. Our initial FPGA host code uses an in-order command queue. Find out how to use an out-of-order command queue to get overlap between communication and computation. Make the necessary change in the Host.cpp. Compile only the host code and run it. Report the latency. Provide a screenshot from Vitis Analyzer.

    6. How does the code in Host.cpp preserve dependencies between computations?

    7. We will now investigate why we still don’t see communication-compute overlap.

      • Open a terminal and do:

        source /opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2020.1/settings64.sh
      • Click on open project and browse to the your build generated directory: hw6/apps/mmult/_x/kernel/mmult_fpga/mmult_fpga/ and click open.

      • From the Explorer tab, open solution\(\rightarrow\)syn\(\rightarrow\)report\(\rightarrow\)mmult_fpga_csynth.rpt.

      • Browse to the Interface section and examine the interface that was generated. Describe how the host processor communicates with the generated interface of the accelerator.

    8. What needs to happen to the HLS code so that we can achieve task-level parallelism?


      Look at Figure 20: Host to Kernel Dataflow of UG1393

    9. Modify the HLS code to enable host to kernel dataflow. Make sure to run C simulation and verify that your HLS code is functionally correct. Provide the code in your report.


      • Use this code as a reference.

      • You will need to use hls::stream.

      • You will need to use #pragma HLS DATAFLOW.

      • Look into the warnings generated by Vitis HLS and determine what changes you need to make with #pragma HLS INTERFACE.

      • Refer to following resources for more examples on HLS:

    10. Rebuild the FPGA version by doing make fpga, copy the binaries and boot files, reboot and test. This will take about 30 minutes to build. Report the latency. Provide a screenshot of the relevant section of Application Trace from Vitis Analyzer.

    11. Use the following command in your host machine. Report the clocks, memory ports and resources that are available on the platform:

      platforminfo $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS/ese532_hw6_pfm.xpfm
    12. Read about kernel and host code synchronization from here. Add a barrier synchronization to your host code. Only compile the host code, run it and provide a screenshot of the relevant section of vitis analyzer.

    13. Assign separate ports to the mmult_fpga in design.cfg. Rebuild the FPGA version by doing make fpga, copy the binaries and boot files, reboot and test. This will take about 30 minutes to build. Report the latency. Provide a screenshot of the relevant section of Application Trace from Vitis Analyzer. Does assigning multiple ports on Ultra96 have any impact on your design? Save/Move the _x folder of the project to somewhere else before doing the next question. We will use the outputs from this question in the next part.


      • Learn about how to add multiple ports from here

      • Read this paper to find out how to efficiently use the ports on Ultra96.

    14. Learn about how to use multiple compute units from here and apply it to your design. Use 2 mmult_fpga units. Rebuild the FPGA version by doing make fpga, copy the binaries and boot files, reboot and test. This will take about 30 minutes to build. Report the latency. Provide a screenshot of the relevant section of Application Trace from Vitis Analyzer.

  3. Analyze Implementation

    In this question, we will investigate what the FPGA implementation of the matrix multiplication (1m) look like using Vivado (not Vivado HLS). Vivado is part of the Vitis installation.

    1. Report how many resources of each type (BlockRAM, DSP unit, flip-flop, and LUT) the implementation (1m) consumes. You can find this information in the Implementation tab of Vivado and clicking on Report Utilization. Launch Vivado using the following commands and open the project at the location hw6/apps/mmult/_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.xpr. (4 lines)

      source /opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2020.1/settings64.sh
    2. Report the expected power consumption of this design by clicking Report Power of the Implementation tab. (1 line)

    3. Open the Address Editor by choosing the corresponding tab above the block design. In which memory region is the control interface of the accelerator wrapper mmult_fpga_1 mapped? This region is used for such communication as starting the accelerator and querying its status. Writes and reads by the ARM processor are to this region are sent over an AXI4-Lite bus to the accelerator wrapper, which handles them and controls the accelerator. (1 line)

    4. Open the timing report by going to the Implementation tab and pressing Design Timing Summary from the Timing tab. Click on the number next to Worst Negative Slack. Look at the Path Properties. Report in which of the hardware modules that we saw in the block design the path begins and ends. (1 line)

    5. Include a screenshot of the critical path in your writeup. Zoom in to make sure all elements of the path are clearly visible. Indicate the type of each element (e.g. LUT, flip-flop, carry chain) on the screenshot.

    6. Highlight the accelerators in green, the interconnect (M_AXI and S_AXI) in yellow. You can do this by right- clicking the modules in the netlist view and selecting Highlight Leaf Cells. Include a screenshot of the entire device in your report.

3.1. Deliverables

In summary, upload the following in their respective links in canvas:

  • writeup in pdf.


Make sure to stop your Amazon instances! We only have $150 of credits and we need it to last through Homework 7. You may need to take a long break during a homework, or you might take longer to read about something on google/stackoverflow; remember to stop your instance and restart it when you are ready to continue.