1.1. Collaboration

In this assignment, you work with partners that we assigned. You can find the assignment on Canvas in the Partners map under the Files section. In the event that the partner assignment does not work out (e.g., your assigned partner has already dropped the course), contact the instructor or TA as soon as possible.

You can certainly do this assignment alone. Everyone should be learning how to use all the tools, so don’t take this as an opportunity to compartmentalize who knows how to do what. Our rationale for pairs for this first assignment is so that you can reason together on how to get the tools to work.

For future assignments, you will have a different partner that we will assign—all the more reason to make sure everyone knows how to use Biglab/Detkin/Ketterer machines and is setup with their own accounts.

In general, we are allowing you to work in pairs because it is useful to discuss the material, tools, and designs with someone. We do not allow arbitrary collaboration in the course (see course policies http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ese532), so this gives you a path for allowed collaboration. Pair programming is generally a useful technique, which this will allow you to use.

Each student should submit a complete report. You are free to share information about how to perform certain activities using the Xilinx software with other students. In fact, we encourage you to share any difficulties that you have with the software and general solutions or workarounds for them on Piazza. However, you are not allowed to share the results (e.g. output files, numbers, graphs) that you obtain using the software outside of the pair working together on the assignment. Moreover, final results should be analyzed and conclusions should be drawn individually.


All students must follow the Code of Academic Integrity. Infringement of the code can have severe consequences for you and your partner, such as failing the course or cancellation of your student visa if you are an international student, so please familiarize yourself with them. See the course policies on the course web page http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ese532 for full details of our policies for this course.