Tracking how dependently-typed functions use their arguments. LICS/ICALP/FSCD Joint Invited Speaker. Talinn, Estonia. 10 July, 2024.
CBPV+effects, CBPV+coeffects. WG 2.11 Meeting, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. March 2024.
CBPV+effects, CBPV+coeffects. WG 2.8 Meeting, Pembroke College, Cambridge UK. April 2023.
Stratified Type Theory, WG 2.8 Meeting, Pembroke College, Cambridge UK. April 2023.
What are Dependent Types and What are they Good for? Milner lecture, Laboratory for Computer Science, Edinburgh. June 15, 2022.
A Dependent Dependency Calculus. Ediburgh LFCS Seminar, June 14, 2022.
How to implement the Lambda Calculus, Quickly. Haskell Love, virtual developer conference. September 10, 2021.
How to implement the Lambda Calculus, Quickly. Invited talk at IFL. The 33rd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages. September 3, 2021.
Programming Language Design: From Grace Hopper to Today. ENIAC Day: 75th anniversary of ENIAC mini-symposium. February 15, 2021.
Strongly-Typed System F in GHC. YOW! Lambda Jam Online 2020. July 2020.
Strongly-Typed System F in GHC. Chalmers Functional Programming Seminar Series. June 2020.
Adventures in Quantitative Type Theory. IFIP WG 2.8 Meeting, Zion National Park. March 2020.
A Dependently-Typed Core Calculus for GHC. PurPL Fest invited speaker. Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN. September 23, 2019.
Dependent Types in Haskell. BOBkonf invited speaker (research track). Berlin, Germany. August 21, 2019.
A Dependently-Typed Core Calculus for GHC. TYPES 2019 Conference Invited talk. Oslo, Norway. June 2019.
Strongly-typed System F in GHC. IFIP WG 2.8, Bordeaux, Fr. May 2019.
Dependent Types in Haskell. Cornell CS Colloquium, Ithaca, NY. November 2018.
Dependent Types in Haskell. Haskell eXchange keynote, London, October 2018.
Work-in-progress: Verifying the Glasgow Haskell Compiler Core language using the Coq proof assistant. Intel Labs, Hillsboro, OR. August 2018.
Work-in-progress: Towards a formal semantics for GHC Core. DeepSpec 2018 Workshop, Philadelphia, PA. June 2018.
Work-in-progress: Verifying the Glasgow Haskell Compiler Core language. IFIP WG 2.8, Asilomar, CA. June 2018.
Work-in-progress: Verifying the Glasgow Haskell Compiler Core language. Dagstuhl Seminar 18201, “Secure Compilation” Wadern, Germany, May, 2018.
Dependent Types in Haskell. Invited speaker, Comcast Labs Connect: Functional Programming. March 9, 2018.
Locally Nameless at Scale. Joint presentation with Anastasiya Kravchuck-Kirilyuk. CoqPL workshop, Los Angeles, CA. January 2018.
Dependent Types in Haskell. University of Washington, PLSE Seminar Series, Seattle, WA, December 2017.
Dependent Types in Haskell. McMaster University Departmental Seminar, Hamilton Ontario, November 2017.
Dependent Types in Haskell. StrangeLoop 2017, St. Louis, MO, September 2017.
Eta-equivalence in Core Dependent Haskell. WG 2.8, Edinburgh, UK. June 2017.
The Influence of Dependent Types. Keynote address, ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL ’17) Paris, France, January 2017.
A Foundation for Dependently Typed Haskell. WG 2.8, Lake Placid, NY, July 19, 2016.
Depending on Types. Typelevel Summit, Philadelphia, PA, March 2-3, 2016.
Dynamic Typing in GHC. Compose :: Conference, Brooklyn, NY, February 4-5, 2016.
Visible Type Application. Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK, November 6, 2015.
Visible Type Application. University of Kent, November 5, 2015.
Depending on Types. Code Mesh 2015, London, November 4, 2015.
From System F to Typed Assembly Language, by Morrisett, Walker, Crary, Glew. Papers We Love, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA, October 6, 2015
Towards Dependently Typed Haskell. WG 2.8, Kefalonia, Greece, May 24, 2015
Pi-Forall: How to use and implement a dependently-typed language. Technical Keynote, Compose Conference. New York, January 30, 2015
Programming up-to Congruence. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL ’15). Mumbai, India, January 16, 2015
Depending on Types. Computer Science Colloquium Series, Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana, October 17, 2014
Programming Languages Panel. Cornell CS 50th Anniversary Symposium. Ithaca, New York, October 2, 2014
Depending on Types. Keynote address, International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP). Gothenburg, Sweden, September 3, 2014
Programming Up-to Congruence, Again. WG 2.8, Estes Park, Colorado, August 12, 2014
Combining Proofs and Programs. Certification of High-level and Low-level programs. Paris, France, July 7, 2014
Why You Should Care About Dependent Types. Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop. San Diego, CA, January 21, 2014
Programming Up-to Congruence. WG 2.8, Aussios, France, October 14, 2013
The Pleasure and Pain of Advanced Type Systems. Invited speaker, Facebook Faculty Summit. Menlo Park, CA, August 6, 2013
Paradoxical Typecase. WG 2.8, Anapolis, MD, November 7, 2012
A POPLmark Retrospective: Using Proof Assistants in Programming Language Research. Invited speaker, LFMTP 2012: 7th International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9, 2012
Dependently-typed programming in GHC. Invited speaker, FLOPS 2012: Eleventh International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, Kobe, Japan, May 25, 2012
Binders Unbound. The 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 2012 Tokyo Japan, September 21, 2011
Combining Proofs and Programs. Dependently Typed Programming, Shonan Seminar 007, Shonan Village, Japan, September 16, 2011
Combining Proofs and Programs. Joint invited speaker for Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 2011) and Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2011) Novi Sad, Serbia, June 1, 2011
Combining Proofs and Programs in Trellys. Plenary Address, MFPS 27. Pittsburgh, PA. May 26, 2011
Generic Binding and Telescopes. WG 2.8, Marble Falls, TX. March 11, 2011
Generative Type Abstraction and Type-level Computation. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL ’11). Austin, TX, January 2011
ICFP 2010 Program Chair’s Report. Baltimore, MD. September 27, 2010
Dependent Types and Program Equivalence. University of Strathclyde. Glasgow, Scotland. April 30, 2010
Generic Programming with Dependent Types. IFIP 2.11, St. Andrews, Scotland. March 1-3, 2010
Dependent Types and Program Equivalence. University of Nottingham. Nottingham, England. February 5, 2010
Trellys Status Report. PLPV Discussion. Madrid, Spain. January 19, 2010
A POPLmark Retrospective: Using Proof Assistants in Programming Language Research. University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory Wednesday Seminars. Cambridge, England. December 2, 2009
Dependent Types and Program Equivalence. Semantics Lunch, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. Cambridge, England. November 2, 2009
Haskell Symposium 2009 Program Chair’s report. Edinburgh, Scotland. September 3, 2009
Doing Dependent Types Wrong Without Going Wrong. IFIP WG 2.8, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, June 2009
Adventures in Dependently-Typed Metatheory. IFIP WG 2.11, Mountain View CA. April 15, 2009
Engineering Formal Metatheory Computer Science Colloquium, City University of New York Graduate Center. New York, NY. February 2, 2009
First-class Polymorphism for Haskell. IFIP WG 2.8, Park City, UT. June 19, 2008
Engineering Formal Metatheory. Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA. November 19, 2007
Machine Assistance for Programming Language Research. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. October 12, 2007
Formal Reasoning About Programs and Programming Languages. National Security Agency. Fort Meade, MD, USA. July 20, 2007
Engineering Aspects of Formal Metatheory. Harvard University, Boston MA, USA. June 1, 2007
Dependently-Typed Languages. Working session summary. IFIP WG 2.11, Portland, OR, October 2006
Simple Unification-Based Type Inference for GADTs. International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP). Portland, OR. September 2006
RepLib: A Library for Derivable Type Classes. Haskell Workshop. Portland, OR. September 2006
Parametricity and GADTs. IFIP Working Group 2.8 (Functional Programming). Boston, MA. July 2006
Practical Type Inference for Advanced Type Systems. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.11, Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany. January 2006
Boxy Types: Inference for Higher-rank Types and Impredicativity. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.8, Kalvi Manor, Estonia. October 2005
A Core Language for Generalised Algebraic Datatypes. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.8, West Point, USA. November 2004
A Design for Type-directed Java. Programming Languages Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT. October 1, 2004
2004 ICFP Programming Contest Results. (Presented jointly with Benjamin Pierce and Steve Zdancewic) International Conference on Functional Programming, Snowbird, UT. September 20, 2004
A Core Language for Generalised Algebraic Datatypes. Dagstuhl Seminar 04381: Dependently Typed Programming, Wadern, Germany. September 12, 2004
A Design for Type-Directed Java. Microsoft Research Lab, Cambridge, UK. August 31, 2004
A Design for Type-Directed Java. Workshop on Object-Oriented Developments (WOOD ’04). London, UK, August 2004
Unifying Nominal and Structural Ad-hoc Polymorphism. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.8, Coffs Harbour, Australia. January 2003
Unifying Nominal and Structural Ad-hoc Polymorphism. Computer Science Colloquium, City University of New York Graduate Center. New York, NY. October 30, 2003
Boxes Go Bananas: Parametric Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in System F. Laboratory for Secure Systems Seminar, Stevens Institute of Technology. Hoboken, NJ. May 5, 2003
Run-time type analysis in Haskell with an Awful Lot of Newtypes. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.8, Crans-Montana, Switzerland. January 2003
Polytypic Programming and Intensional Type Analysis. New Jersey Programming Languages Seminar. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. September 20, 2002
Programming with Types. OHSU/Oregon Graduate Institute, Beaverton, OR. February 11, 2002
Programming with Types. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. February 15, 2002
Programming with Types. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. February 19, 2002
Programming with Types. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. February 28, 2002
Programming with Types. University of Maryland, College Park, MD. March 4, 2002
Programming with Types. Northeastern University, Boston, MA. March 13, 2002
Programming with Types. University of California, San Diego, CA. March 15, 2002
Programming with Types. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. March 25, 2002
Programming with Types. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. March 27, 2002
Programming with Types. University of Texas, Austin, TX. April 2, 2002
Higher-order Intensional Type Analysis. European Symposium on Programming (ESOP ’02). Grenoble, France, April 2002
Programming with Types. University of Colorado at Boulder, CO. April 16, 2002
Programming with Types. Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. April 19, 2002
Programming with Types. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA. April 25, 2002
Programming with Types. Rice University, Houston TX. April 29, 2002
Run-Time Type Analysis and Program Verification. Research, Careers and Computer Science: A Maryland Symposium. University of Maryland, College Park, MD. November 2001
Polytypic Programming and Intensional Type Constructor Analysis. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 2.8, Are, Sweden. April 2001
Encoding Intensional Type Analysis. European Symposium on Programming (ESOP ’01). Genova, Italy. April 2001
Resource Bound Certification. Harvard University, Boston, MA. February 2001
Functional Pearl: Type-Safe Cast. International Conference on Functional Programming. Montreal, Canada. September 2000
Resource Bound Certification. IBM Research, Hawthorne, NY. June 2000
Resource Bound Certification. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL ’00). Boston, MA, USA. January 2000
Flexible Type Analysis. International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP ’99). Paris, France, September 1999
Type Analysis and Typed Compilation. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. June 1999
Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics. International conference on Functional Programming (ICFP ’98). Baltimore, MD, USA, September 1998